
by not being fat?

I believe this can be changed on your Netflix account setting page. I don't think you can specify which connections to stream low quality, but you can turn all streaming quality down online.

Actually, it's more likely they sided with the massive revenue stream they get from the taxes on cigarettes, both federal and state. If you back into Big Tobacco's financials you can see that the government actually makes more off their products than they do. It's also notable that many states sold their tobacco

I believe AT&T capped our grandfathered plans in October. So they go to EDGE speeds once you go over 2gb. I don't use much data so I haven't experienced this. If you want to switch to Sprint, this change in contract voids the contract and also the early termination fee. (I believe)

Both Microsoft and Google research a lot of random industries, while Apple R&D stays narrowly focused on specific areas. Apple isn't trying to make an autonomous car for example. It's really a shame they don't put their vast cash pile into things that progress human culture, even if it hurts their margins. I think a

Well, the concept seems to be a little beyond your comprehension, since the phone is bigger on both the front and back. In order to get your hand around the entire phone (fingers and thumb), it places your thumb joint further back on the larger phone thereby creating a smaller range of movement...

Xbmc on a jailbroken iPad2 works like a dream and will play any file streaming from my NAS, just wish it wouldn't require being jailbroken.... Framerate is perfect, but there really isn't a great theme or ideal touch gestures. Still, it's better than waiting for air video to buffer.

I guess you don't understand the role of the executive branch of government your caps lock is on.

Interesting, I recall Samsung's Galaxy tab 10.1 commercials claiming it had the best graphics performance (indirectly referring to the iPad)... This seems to be a very inaccurate statement; AnandTech is definitely an authority on benchmarks. Seems like false advertising to me.

Chimps are cute, until they rip your face off.....

Yet the guy who found someone else's phone at a bar and sold it on Craigslist is totally innocent?

Shouldn't you be at Friendly's with Shaws talking about AC/DC?

Here is the relevant history you should be quoting, Apple did not steal ANYTHING...(which is all my comment was about). Instead, Steve Jobs' made a brilliant business deal, and Xerox executives a very very stupid one. End of story.

Do you really think Android's growth is based on the disapproval of Apple's "golden cage".... I think you give the vast majority of consumers way too much credit. Most people buying Android phones are doing it because they were free with their contract, it's what was available at the carrier's store, or the sales

How do you steal something that you pay for? Maybe you should "learn some history" before you try and lectures those that know more than you....

Anti-biased? I think "unbiased" would be better used much did the prefix "anti-" pay you for your comment?

The LG Prada, announced one month before the iPhone was announcement?

Because Apple invented the PDA with it's Newton in 1993....

Dave, how does a patented "method" inhibit "innovation" if a "new method" is the very definition of innovation?

Except the 13" MBA with a 256gb SSD is $1599, where do you get $2099?