
You forgot to add in the propulsive force of my tail lights.

I can’t get over how everyone speaking about this FYRE fiasco keep talking about people being “safe”. You can almost hear the hushed tones around the word. Give me a break. A day or two stuck on an island in the Bahamas with apparently no water or plumbing system admittedly sounds awful, but I really don’t think

Damn, that was hard to watching Trump greeting foreign leaders.

He doesn’t seem equipped to “negotiate” buying a cup of coffee.

im sure once he learns what NAFTA is he’ll come around. just give it time. education is a process.

Thanks. As for your comment, this is a fucked up, racist (I know it is not YOU who believes this) thing to think, but I fear you are correct.

Awesome article. But, in the mind of Trumpsters, Koreans would be the “good refugees” — still not human like white Christian men, but good enough at math and science that they’ll surely figure out a way (unlike those inherently violent, weak-willed Middle Eastern types).

Meanwhile back in Washington...

I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that this guy calls his wife Mother and refuses to treat women like equal humans and not conniving sex hypnotists lusting over his protuberance, or that he’s playing second fiddle to Donald Fucking Trump.

The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.

Yup. I’m impressed by their dedication to dilution. Not really, it’s ridiculous.

I think the moment they built a fat, pig-faced, giant hatchback and then told us it was, ahem, a motherfucking ‘GT’ is the moment anyone with eyes and a brain said... ‘jog on, dickheads...’ I mean, really? Its looks like a pontiac aztek wearing it’s kids nikes.

Prepare for a million more coupes with 4 doors and a veritable cornucopia of shitty crossovers...

To all the moronic fuckers who either actively wanted/turned a blind eye to this racist, sexist, xenophobic, and downright vile piece of shit because “he was a strong leader”. Look at your strongman President now, running like the fucking coward he is, unable to get his own Party to vote against the ACA which they

repeal and replace this administration.

Man, Trump is one creepy fuck. If he hadn’t inherited his Daddy’s money, he’d be a washed up, alcoholic car salesman living in Queens

Probably spends more time on a toilet shitting out burned steak.

I don’t think Donald Trump knows how to sit in a chair.

What more can Frau Merkel be asked to endure from Republican presidents?