
To me, Papa John’s is like Nickelback. It’s pizza, so it’s fine, it’s just I can get better at about 10 places in my delivery area.

Why on earth would you want to do that?

Just after I talked shit about him on the AV Club!

It’s his job, and he knows where all the bodies are buried.

Because something greedy Jews (but not the good Israeli kind).

Why is globalism an insult? If we push for freer trade, universal human rights, and more sustainable development, then we’ll be able to spend less on the military and foreign aid, plus we’ll have more markets to sell stuff in.

Pai deserves a lot more than a simple crowbar to the shin. Upgrade to the Xfinity Comments Plus package to read more.

I know I’m not supposed to wish crowbars to the shins on people, but hey, the heart wants what the heart wants.

Thanks Trump/republican voters.


It’s funny how Ajit Pai is a person of color, he’s Indian, and his parents are immigrants, and yet he’s sided with the exact kind of ultra-conservative groups and policies that actively work against people like him, as well as ordinary working-class people in general. He’s a traitor, not just to Barack Obama, but to

I wanna punch this guy in the face, break his nose, and drink his blood. He gives all of us Indians a bad name.

That’s because the jokes aren’t inspired by the need to communicate and connect, like those of actual good comedians. They’re inspired by the need to troll their imagined enemies.

Outraged, President Trump has retaliated by declaring that he too will outlaw US media organizations.

What the f@#k is wrong with the brain dead idiots who still think this buffoon is fit to be seen in public let alone be President?

Gold Digest called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Golfer of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!

My windshield wipers are dull so I moved to Syria.

Please don’t downplay or normalize domestic violence by calling it a ‘dispute’. Disputes are over control of the remote, this was an act of violence against a woman.

One question- any idea what it would cost to have a professional do this level of work for those of us who are less confident in our wrenching skills?