Jacob Gabriel

Looks like that game is The Thief and the Cobbler of Video Games.

The End of Nintendo.

The Next Thing that console will be have a model of a tablete conected to the tv, that will be ridiculous, you know that, right?

It’s Photoshop, I Know your lying, Buffoon!

I Am Aware that the Gamergate controversy is still happing, Rachel Byrk is now the first victim of the gamergate contreversy to commit suicide.

It’s closed because Disney was going out of control because of the sucsess of frozen and also screwing around holywood!

Here's the Follow-Up to that comic.

Now playing

(Read Authors Note* Before or After Reading.)

Like to show you My First Movie Review.

Is she is murdered?

Also, this will stir it up for you.

World's Dumest... mentioned that stupid invention on the World's Dumest Inventions Episode.

I was talking aboutthe PS3 Baby.

Don't Make me scare the Crud of this ad

"No one fall from the tower and DIES like Gaston"

Yeah, that was the first fail of this year.


Dumb Guy thinks a player is dead, Jeremy is still alive you Idiot!