Jacob Gabriel

Have you herd to the nostalgia critic review mario bros?

Aaaaand then disney makes lone ranger, got nuked by the minion. Then the company gets revenge after lone ranger bombed to make frozen to nuke the minions at the oscars and starts ruining star wars!

Too bad that the movie got nuked by The Lorax!

You know that one of don bluth films ever made,

The one movie that i known that from last year is one the victims of the great movie conflict of 2012 (2012-present) was the lone ranger!

"FFFFFFFFFFFF... I don't care for that." - Nostalgia Critic during the review of the lorax.

We need you to vote, please!

Tjoeb123, Can you vote a poll that can make someone do a petition to save the support?

Eighty, Can you vote a poll that can make someone do a petition to save the support?

JustWaitingForAMate, Can you vote a poll that can make someone do a petition to save the support?

Can you vote a poll that can make someone do a petition to save the support?

Even Nostagia Critic rank the song as #1 in the Top 11 Greatest Villain Songs.

Show-stopping musical number?

It's not often you see the same Happy Meal theme with separate toys for boys and girls. The pink might make some folks angry, but I dig it.