Truancy Park

Honestly, I don't think that a direct explanation for the storm of fish would be particularly gratifying, or interesting. I mean, I accepted the notion that Fargo takes place on a magic island four or five seasons ago; it'd be goofy if I got hung up on where the crates full of fish parachuted in from.

Finally, an FBI asset that can stand up to the pressures of the modern urban crime environment.

A Young Doctor's Purse

Cool. The Clean are one of those under appreciated all-time greats. "Anthology" was first released when I was in the habit of blind-buying recommendations at the local record store, and I'm grateful for that. You can see their influence everywhere.

Alas, the new season is purported to be set in Iowa, at least in part, now that Hannah's made it into one of the most selective and desirable writing programs in the country.

Hrrmph. I'd like nothing more than to get to the bottom of your cervix, madam ambassador, but the nature of my diagnostic capacities demand that I spend a little time in my bucket before I can attend to your procedure. Otherwise, I assure you, my investigation will prove to be extremely unpleasant for the both of us.

Good to know!

Good review! Clean, focused, and confident. It's very cool that you didn't try to cover every beat of of the episode; you got into a nice rhythm honing in on a selection of scenes, and using them to connect thematic elements without over-explaining the big picture ideas.

One of my favorite NES games was called Gargoyle's Quest II, and at a glance, I thought that first screen cap might have been from a part of the game I'd forgotten about! Commercially unviable late-stage NES games really were ahead of their time in embracing the gargoyle motif; these days, obviously, you can't turn

Agreed! I remember seeing one of the prequels while in my second year of photography classes, and I couldn't BELIEVE how they framed almost all of the shots. Where's a good place to put the ship, again? Dead center of the screen, literally surrounded by empty space? Got it. Take five, everybody

Can't read through 719 comments to see exactly how unoriginal my comment is — mostly, I just have to keep my shit together right now — but on the plus side, that meteor took us all out too.

Ah, the blood.

I think it's cool that you picked one of the band's songs for your username (one of my favorite post-Tallahassee tracks), but you didn't feel the need to shoehorn that fact into your comment, to prove what a big fan you are. I imagine you to be a confident individual, someone with nothing to prove, at ease with life's

That's accurate! I mean, we leveled up a few times before we got out of the newbie dungeon, but we would have gotten married there if it were a beautiful garden city and not a slave camp for souls condemned to purgatory.

Say what you will about Elder Scrolls Online (I love it, but I admit there are plenty of valid criticisms floating around), but at least that game allows you to gay-marry a cat, which I did the morning it launched.

I feel like this is one of those films that stirred up a very specific brand of backlash. The people that SL2 really clicked with— and I can't stress enough what a niche movie this is— recommended it to their friends in REALLY strong terms.

I have a lot of affection for Richard Harrow, even if he sounds like what would happen if Ernest Hemingway wrote and directed Sling Blade. Not sure if I'd go to bat for anyone else, though.

I only just pounded through the first two seasons of Boardwalk Empire. The biggest surprise, in my mind, is that Margaret has proven to be the worst-written character on the show so far! I would have put money on Lucy, followed up by Gretchen and Angela.

Whenever I make a cruel comment about someone's writing, I feel a legitimate pang of guilt afterward. Because it really is remarkable, and humbling, that the writers of this site are able to produce thoughtful and well-composed articles with such regularity. It seems petulant to complain about the occasional misstep.

I choose to believe the Dinner Party Wars blurb is a Ken Burns reference, and I'm into that.