Using the correct name and gender can take time and it can be easy to slip up. One of my future in-laws transitioned a few years ago (in their forties) and their 90+ mother (my future grandmother) still slips up and uses the wrong gender sometimes. It isn’t malicious, just a hard habit to break.
Wesley Snipes also has a thing for the Asian ladies according to my friend’s sister. He assumed she was going to go wherever he wanted after she and some friends ran into him and partied in a parisien nightclup.
When I lived in LA I saw tonnes of celebrities at the toy store I used to work at. Moved up to the Bay Area two months ago and haven’t seen any since.
Not me but a friend of mine once told Suge Knight to calm down after he started beating someone up in a Denny’s.
I think Tom & Lorenzo have bigger pictures of Lupita and Fan’s dresses on their site.
One of my friends just turned 34 and developed a wheat allergy (on top of existing tree nut and peanut allergies).
I also eat my colored candies like that (Mambas, Starbursts, Skittles, Reese's Pieces, etc).
It is an excellent combo. It is my ma in in flight drink when I don't want ginger ale.
Yep. Once I was listening to Eartha Kitt's version in the shop I work in and a customer was super adamant that the "original" Jeff Buckley version was vastly superior and the singer in this one sounded "just okay".
This foxy feller loves marshmallows.
I love that fucksquatch joke and i love that gif.
A few more:
Afrikaa Bambaataa was performing at a local bar in Santa Monica and I tried to get some friend's to come with but I had no takers. I went alone and camped out near the front for the opening acts to stake out a good spot.
Performance artist Kristina Wong did so in 2008 too.
No problem. I imagine it must be hard to type when one has flippers instead of hands.
Yes, I am also not into diamonds so unobtrusive accent diamonds were the only acceptable usage for me.