
According to Featured Creature this little guy had some recessive genes and they are normally fluffier at this age.

I am in a similar situation with my BF; he pays a larger portion of rent than I do since he makes several times more than I do (he consults, I do retail) and then split utilities and groceries. Last year when my hours were cut at work I was starting to dip into savings in an effort to keep things square between us

Yes, my actor friend neesd more substantial roles rather than paramedic, murder victim, or random hot guy.

I'm the king of breathing!

So fluffy! I love the blink and drink!

Before today the only Harlem Shake vid I saw was the Sea World one with dancing sea lions and a walrus doing crunches.

What the...?!

Nope, not at all.

When my BF and I go to the zoo we read all the names of the animals in an exaggerated Sean Connery voice. The Cock of the Rock is a favorite (as is the go-away bird).

"You better sissy that walk!"

I look pretty crappy right now but I feel pretty crappy since I am sick and had to drag myself to work.

Preposterously manly? Made me think of this Oglaf comic

Yay Murkin!

To make an é you need to hold ALT and press 1 3 0 on the numeric keypad.

I know how you feel bear, I can't open things when my hands are cold either.

As I was scrolling through I thought Spock was going to describe thrusting a Ms Dawn Mission.

This is beautiful.

I think the max volume is technically 100ml or 3.4 fl oz. I've gotten through with various moisturizers in 3.4 oz bottles.