Interdimensional Atheist

I would guess this car is owned by a person who doesn’t usually drive out of the city, and for some reason they got sent to a video shoot in the desert and couldn’t find alternate transportation in time.

I also like “How will be split up chores?”.

the problem isnt pokemon go... the problem is you lot using the car to go for walks......

Couldn’t you then say, by this absolutely ridiculous logic, that George W. Bush was directly responsible for the shooting because he invaded Iraq, which caused Obama to inherit troops there that he needed to pull out?

Usually I feel for these bikers, as a biker myself, but I would NEVER ride along side a car like that for any amount of time, not even just to flip the guy off. Youre asking for it.

This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.

I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.

You don’t have to have health insurance to exist. You just pay a higher tax if you don’t have it (and make above a certain threshold). Exactly like the mortgage tax deduction. I rent, so I pay much higher taxes than someone who buys. Does that mean I am being forced to buy a house? The difference for me is actually

In her ruling, Judge Rosemary Collyer, a George W. Bush appointee

A reminder: The President of the United States is pretty much the LEAST important office you vote for. Vote every time you can, for every position that you can, at every level of government that you can. Keep voting year after year, until the people that think that basic health care should be something that you “earn”

Yeah fuck people without health care. WHat a victory!



Not defending BvS here but this line by Mike:

This is what happens when you don’t let Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, Alan Burnett, Glen Murakami, Greg Weisman, and Andrea Romano take complete control of your DC-verse.

Giving them your money will show them!

Well done, Sir!

Before all these cameras in public, the police never misbehaved. The cameras incite them to act aggressively and should be banned.

Except we do know where Parallax Hal is from; he’s the same exact Zero-Hour Hal that appeared in Convergeance.