This was my thought as well; so every piece of fiction has to be slapstick buddy comedy like Civil War. Don’t listen to these “critics” see the movie for yourself and then judge.
This was my thought as well; so every piece of fiction has to be slapstick buddy comedy like Civil War. Don’t listen to these “critics” see the movie for yourself and then judge.
Jesus can you be any more condescending in two words?
I get where you’re going and I don’t necessarily disagree with all of it. But I do think this newfound fad of saying things are bad because they take themselves “too seriously” is just... Harmful, at best. Not only because it permeates this cultural acceptance that “Serious things are bad”, but also because it implies…
I finished all I wanted, which was the majority of it. Yes, I’m aware the story isn’t really over until you do the raid, and that more quests open up after, but what did I miss, really? I have multiple friends that have gone over aspect of Destiny with a fine-toothed-comb, and know I missed out on nothing of genuine…
Maybe he couldnt get a raid group going since the game still has no matchmaking for it, one of the dumbest decisions Bungie ever made with the game.
Place your bets, place your bets now, people! What will the PlayStation exclusive content be? What poor excuse for a story will we get this time around? What weapon imbalances will be introduced this time around?
I have no interest in the raids, so I never bothered with it. The story content took all of 5 hours. The rest of the week was spent grinding out Strikes and playing PvP. Besides the raid and various system changes/tweaks, TTK wasn’t terribly deep.
Destiny, a game where Bungie doles out scraps to people who have moved the hell on.
Cool. I wonder how many ways Bungie will implement more obnoxious RNG and weapon nerfs with this expansion.
Destiny was a game that promised us the whole galaxy to explore but didn’t.
Hopefully No Man’s Sky fulfills that promise, because Destiny never will.
I never got TTK or any of the previous DLCs, to be honest Destiny launched with so little content that dropping more money into it felt like I was getting robbed, so I didn’t.
My initial impressions of the game were fun (Loot Cave how I miss the) but that faded away quickly when I was blocked from doing raids and other…
“Hype” assumes excitement in the first place.
Depending on when Destiny 2 is actually planned to drop (likely Sept of 2017, or later, were I guessing), this had better be at least as big as The Taken King, if not marginally bigger.
In a perfect world, it would be roughly as much content as Dark Below, House of Wolves and The Taken King combined, but I’m aware that…
Not that I care for destiny, buts what is with all the sources that keep leaking shit all the time also the sources that confirm leaks to kotaku. No offence kotaku but its getting kinda annoying that I can’t find out new things at e3 because of this.
Bungie couldn’t possibly be that dumb......could they?
No no, No no. There is only one D2, and it’s not the Mighty Ducks.
Isn’t it better to have his face all over the front page in case someone has seen him?
I guess i get it, but i’d rather ask :)
Bus drivers aren't using their personal vehicles.
Because I’m not hoping for a hand job from the Uber driver.
Yeah I have the same problem. I got so fed up with dealing with it I gave my brother my PS4. No point in having it when it relies so heavily on an internet connection.