
There’s really nothing wrong with pre-orders here, either. You can always cancel them, and either get your money back or transfer it to another game. Kotaku just over-reacts.

There’s nothing wrong with pre ordering, it’s just Kotaku has reverted back to what they were last summer. Pandering for page clicks, and flooding the feed with obscure Japanese culture posts.

And that was completely acknowledged, from what I can tell. The TL;DR version of the article is “You’re asking the wrong person. Stop what you’re doing and go see a professional”.

Duh? I thought it was pretty obvious from the moment the curtain rose.

I actually like how the CoD weapons feel, as far as silenced, low sound weapons go. Looks like even stuff like Metal Gear games could get in on that type of gun.

Maybe the reasons you hear gamers on the internet is because gamers are actually internet literate? I mean, attack internet-based community, and face major backlash over the internet? It’s not AAA game development figuring this one out.

The difference being that’s not playing the game as intended. If you have to “cheat” at a game to slog through a part that is tedious or boring, then the game has failed—at least in that instance—to uphold the basic fucking premise of being “a game”.

It has nothing to do with the game and everything to do with marketing and review scores.

Reasons you come off like a tool:

*Unity was a critical flop, but I believe it sold quite well? Or at least, comparably well to the rest of the series, idk.

People say Alan Wake is medicore rubbish as well, and I quite liked it. But I have to agree on the levels being too “samey” on it. Other than that, I had a good time with the game.

Just watched the full GT series the week before Resurrection F came out.

enemies are way too easy, and since all you have to do is Quen and hammer the attack button, it doesn’t feel particularly satisfying to bring them down.

It absolutely amazes me how Square Enix is still in business after all these years. Time and time again they’ve proven how incredibly inefficient they are at developing games.

Final Fantasy XV Years in Development

It will certainly be a cold day in hell before we see that game come about. I refuse to give up on either of my blue childhood favorites (Sonic & Megaman).

Someone wake me up when they release Megaman Legends HD Collection for PS4!

im right there with you. I bought the first one at launch and played the shit out of it with my 3 year old (at the time he was 3).

Here we go, rolling out the casual sexist pseudo-science bullshit.