And I don’t regret it one inch.
Is it ironic that the police ended up taking his photo anyway?
Well, they weren’t wrong about it being a future issue. They just failed to mention that it also happened to be a past and present issue...
Air BNB.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke
I’m calling it now: The Browns are going 0-0-16 this season.
2-Race suspension is a joke, he should be permanently banned. Manzi could have died.
Gotta agree. Osaka outplayed her, no question. I feel bad she couldn’t enjoy this victory, because she earned it.
This was so hard to watch. I hope Naomi Osaka knows she would have won this match on her own if all of this shit hadn’t happened.
Does that mean he’s not coming on then?
Honestly, I just don’t see John Hennessey as the type of guy who’d lie to his customers, make false promises, or scam them in any meaningful way.
Loose gas cap. It will go away in (3) drive cycles.
All Day I Dream About Stamina.
Pitino’s attorney responded that the dismissal was premature.
So my name gives me away a little, and I realize I’m swimming upstream against a very popular Deadspin narrartive, but ....
I mean, I heard the panel gaps were pretty big on the 3, but this is ridiculous.
Now you can be LITERALLY underwater on your FCA-mobile’s loan!
I believe this time, it was... Busch-league nonsense.