As the former owner of a ‘79 J10 (I had the 360) I see no bad or ugly on this 30 year old farm truck. I’d fix only the safety issues (carb, tires, etc.) and rock it out as is.
As the former owner of a ‘79 J10 (I had the 360) I see no bad or ugly on this 30 year old farm truck. I’d fix only the safety issues (carb, tires, etc.) and rock it out as is.
I’m inclined to do whatever makes my partner happy.
“i just laugh. he better be thrilled to be getting whatever is served.”
I’m a couple steps ahead. First, I already have a new AEB head in case I ever get to build it. Second, I sourced all my parts from ECS, and a guy I found in NC that had some great prices on overstock, and since I’m handy with a wrench, I think I’ll go ahead and do it. I saw the bill for the last timing belt, the…
I have an Audi TT Quattro, and that sucker has 235k on the clock and still runs like a top. It’s time for a timing belt (routine) and I plan to drive it until the body rusts out. FYI: The body is aluminum and doesn’t rust.
Great. Talks shit, has no substance. We’re done here, right?
Excuse me? I’m not “worked up” at all. I’m just not buying what’s being sold. If you’d like to talk about it politely, like adults, that’s great.
Elaborate. I’m not privileged. If you take issue with something I said, say what that is and why. Just because you don’t agree with me doesn’t make me wrong.
Yes, the only man to ever rape a woman was Bill Cosby. Jeez. That was your takeaway?
Let’s get a few things straight. First, good guys don’t care about hook-ups. And for the ones that do, it takes two to tango. If you’re lucky, 3 or more. (That’s a joke.)
I am somehow, at the same time, completely surprised, and not surprised at all. Not just by the article, but the comments as well. Unbelievable.
LAZ-Y Boy. That’s pretty stoned. You’re obviously not a golfer. ;)
Certainly the weed in his system had a strange effect. If he was stoned, I suspect he would just sit in his car and laugh about it and make a Lebowski or Cheech & Chong reference.
Had I read your comment first, I coulda spared everyone my diatribe. Spot on.
My daughter died after her first birthday, after staying in the hospital with complications that required 7 surgeries. The main issue was that her heart never closed up and took over. Instead of doing a surgery to repair it right away (very risky) the doctor decided to wait and give the body a chance to do what it…
...and people’s desire to deflect the consequences for their own actions on to ANYTHING except themselves.
Based on the EVIDENCE, I find this to be nothing more than an attempt to get whatever money they can get. Anyone remember the saying, “Don’t start no shit, won’t be no shit.” Yeah, that.