
That's actually a toyota. I had one, and took care of it, and it took care of me. Then my girlfriend (at the time) got a hold of it. Now, she likes meth. Dodged a bullet there!!

This society forgets so easily that they apparently think a coverup of a fuckup is worth rolling the dice. You win some, you lose some. Toyota lost.

4th Gear: Inside sources says Flint can expect about 300 jobs to be added as a result of the plan.

Excellent post. I think for me the takeaway is that we need to stress to our kids that an education is the basis for open doors, and opportunity. Sure, luck may play a factor, but the opportunity will mean nothing if you aren't in a place to take advantage of it.

That is the greatest agif I have ever seen. I'm stealing it and using it wrecklessly, I hope you don't mind.

I've said it before and I will say it again. We need to curb our desire for virtual networking and place that time, energy, and focus into the people that we see and interact with. Our interpersonal skills are seriously lacking as a society, and I have been much happier since I abandoned "social media."

I'm going to play the devil's advocate here; not with the intention of inciting a riot, but because I wonder if there are comparisons to be made between modern factory work and the limitations that slavery placed on the men and women that were/are still slaves.

Let's go out on a limb and say that one day... Someone comes to pick me up at the airport in a car such as this.

The linkedin profile states you went to Michigan.

"The people who mind don't matter and the people that matter don't mind."

He's such a badass....

With ALL due resepct, sir, I would encourage you to step out from behind the pulpit and instead of managing the sheeple, CHALLENGE them to maintain a personal relationship they say they show up for. Managing expectations is a large part of stopping the criticism before it starts. Being direct and confident is only a

Agreed. There are so many times I want to use this pic on this site.

That's badass. In retrospect, I hope you'll remember it as the opportunity of a lifetime.

And I'd like to add a real +1 to any celebrity that doesn't take themselves too seriously. I think Terry and JT are the personification of that trait... It's what makes them so much fun to watch.

I got the 4.7 myself, and I'm damn happy with it.

I got a '01 Dakota Quad Cab. Just turned 180k. I love that truck for reasons just like this. It's never let me down.

I'd like to thank everyone for reminding me again of the 87 CRX Si I lost to a drunk driver. How was I able to get 50MPG when gas was 76 cents a gallon, and now my $75 fill-up lasts about 3 days.

Here's a much simpler tip on getting the perfect ring that will never, ever fail you:

I'd much rather milk that than the aforementioned cow.