
Sorry, Thunderbolt was already taken.

No offense, brah, but speak for yourself. I've come to like mopar because of my fantastic experience with the Dodge products that I have purchased, and I don't give two shits about any allegiance (real or perceived) Shelby was the man.

As a Lions fan, this sucks.

Thanks for the burning sensation of Mt. Dew coming out my nose.

Meh. That's a mild winter day I guess. Maybe I'll grab my coat.

Thanks, I hope you realize I was being facetious. If not, then my apologies. I'm sure Alaska is a beautiful state, and I would love to visit someday.

Judging by the way they drive, I think that's already been done.

It's easy to drive in a state with 3 cars.

Can I throw Indiana in that mix? Holy cow.

The top half is actually mine, and I think I want it back now.

I would love a picture of that new R8 (that's what I see, anyway, Nanuk name bedamned) if you can get blondie out of the way.

Thanks! I do appreciate the points that you made.

Better Off Dead. Not really a drag race, but when Lane forgets to put his POS back in drive and backs into the truck....

I'm sorry, but did you mean that the Corvette should be aimed at the Porsche, and the Caddy aimed at Ferrari?

I can see that, sure, but I think its really more of a trend back toward the sharper, more squared lines. But yeah... I really do see it.

62MPH is roughly 100km/H.

Stevie Wonder's instagram is hilarious. I highly recommend it.

That's nothing more than a next-gen R8. Anyone else see it?

Holy $$ Batman. I was expecting the question to be for a price around NPOCP of about $5k, and I would still go CP. Cheezits!!!