
I can totally get that. And we use it as passengers in the car too. It just seems to me that for most of us, even on the go people such as I, I know where the wifi places are, and I can leverage that ability to minimize my cell data use.

With the saturation of wifi, how is it that we're using all this data on cell towers? I know someone is going to say "SECURITY!", but seriously... if someone wants in, the difference between a cell tower or a wifi is not going to stop them. What I really want to know is... Was that punctuation correct? The suspense is

I'm just going to buy the phone outright, and then I can use whatever carrier I want.

I've wondered the same thing. Simple truth, telecom has enough money to keep the regulators happy. They say "Hey, we did the research for you and what we recommend is on the page under this check with a LOT of zeros on it." The whole thing is a huge racket.

Kevin Mitnick, part 2. Read the books, its WAY easier than you think.

Dude, she's not even the best looking woman on that show. Although, there is something that is very attractive about her in a non-sexual way. Out of character pictures of her are a hot mess.

iPhone 5, unlocked, Straight Talk. $45 all you can eat buffet of awesome.

The retina display in the iPad is so easy on the eyes, I just couldn't believe it. It's still lightweight, and books are super easy to get into. It's one thing to read a book, it's another entirely to be immersed in the story, and the iPad is the perfect conduit for such reading.

I don't think that Gates' ever said they were going to cure any disease. I think the intention has always been to provide resources for those in need, and to invest in research to advance treatment.

It appears your article was able to clearly out those who understand good investing practices and those who flopped a loss on the FB IPO. Well played, sir.

Have you ever worked towards a goal and been motivated by small successes? Same concept. As science and medicine make new discoveries, that helps pave the way for advances in other areas of medicine. It's win-win-win for everyone who's affected by the disease.

Sprint should be estatic!

Actually - I'm already working on just such a project. We're lucky enough to live in an economic time where just such an idea as this has the ability to succeed.

Lol... No I really love the job... It's just that there are a few people that make things far more difficult than it needs to be.

Right... I get that. But not every company has Apple or M$ level income. Big Oil, Tobacco, and pharma sectors have been raking it in hand over fist for decades, and where have we gotten? Inefficient cars driven by smokers on their way to cancer treatments. When we look for a cure...

I know... and that's kinda the point. This kind of greed only makes the short term work (economy, anyone?) and until they realize that a profit shouldn't be the only purpose or concern, we'll all continue to suffer.

That's repulsive. I know its a fact, but its ridiculous. When are people going to get greed out of their heads?

Thank you. Much more succinct than my post.

I don't carry a gun for this specific reason. Many of the users I deal with... they're ok. But it never fails; I get someone that I want to rip the head off of. I get extremely aggrevated with stupid people and stupid questions. It's ridiculous. Google it, you moron. Don't call me with your stupid problem which are

Funny - I can't pin this article.