Fireball XL5

I was fresh out if Residency . The local mega hospital was going to open a new smaller hospital in my town . I was assigned to the Building Committee . There were no changing rooms for female surgeons . I said they were needed only to be told at the next meeting that all the male surgeons said they were NOT necc. The

While very thoughtful its way too late . The horse is out the gate . Far too many people are making a living reselling their thrift store finds l They are not going to give up their livelihood to leave nice things for the poor . In my town there is a vicious greed present when the better thrift stores open at 10 AM .

Hang tight Prufrock123

Um, no

My first year in college was at a small private school that I quickly learned was a Fall Back school for East Coast wealthies. I was shocked to learn that a friend s mom filled out his essay portion of the application . This was decades ago . Even then those classmates, male and female, were all about finding a mate

My first year in college was at a small private school that I quickly learned was a Fall Back school for East Coast wealthies. I was shocked to learn that a friend s mom filled out his essay portion of the application . This was decades ago . Even then those classmates, male and female, were all about finding a mate

My first year in college was at a small private school that I quickly learned was a Fall Back school for East Coast wealthies. I was shocked to learn that a friend s mom filled out his essay portion of the application . This was decades ago . Even then those classmates, male and female, were all about finding a mate

Celibacy is an aspect of many religions including Buddhism . Christians just do not shave their heads if they decide to be celibate . I waited to have sex until marriage , not because I thought God would roast me but like Buddhism I believed not being sexually active allowed me to be closer to God . I also did not

Wow, I am an Old , but I never heard of this movie . Slate has a good, 2010 synopsis of what happened with this movie and how it almost bankrupted a Disney . 

It was not the same after she left lost its soul .

Why would you say that about his Mom?

Maybe Work is his Disneyland 

I think the only people that survive pancreatic cancer are the few who are diagnosed by accident early in the course of the cancer ,i.e.either surgery or a CT scan for another issue turns up the cancer . The pancreas is tucked away and able to hide its cancer .

These comments are very broad .........there are shades of Christian fundamentalism as there are shades of Islamic piety . I have heard Muslims say they are going get more involved in American politics to “ restore Morality “ to this country . They implied that their religion was the true source of morality and would

Thank you for making this point and reminding us of Barbara Lee . I think very few young women care about the past and ( people connected with the past ) other than to make negative comments about “ First Wave” feminists. I am basing that comment on people I know so it may be unfair an unfair generalization .

Maybe they are thinking you must have an exciting Life to be able to travel alone and enjoy it . A friend’s wife once told me she would never be brave enough to eat alone ----in an admiring voice . 

I received an insurance notice that I had done that in. They said they wrote my tag number down . While they had the right make of car it was the wrong color . We were able to prove we were in town that night and not hundreds of miles away but I think the color being wrong actually saved us . What happens when you

I received an insurance notice that I had done that. They said they wrote my tag number down . While they had the right make of car it was the wrong color . We were able to prove we were in town that night and not hundreds of miles away but I think the color being wrong actually saved us . What happens when you are

I agree in theory but recently this car jumped in front of me in a turn lane intô a shopping center forcing me to drive up on a curb to avoid hitting the car . I chased it down, not knowing if it contained a bunch of steroid filled raging junkies or not . This woman got out of the car and feigned ignorance that I had . Shirley Chisholm was so much more . They may one day have her gravitas ....but SC stands alone .......