In the Med circles there is growing thought that ones gut biome controls or has a huge influence on weight . And sleep .Not sleeping enough leads to a more metabolic syndrome profile .
In the Med circles there is growing thought that ones gut biome controls or has a huge influence on weight . And sleep .Not sleeping enough leads to a more metabolic syndrome profile .
In the Med circles there is growing thought that ones gut biome controls or has a huge influence on weight . And sleep .Not sleeping enough leads to a more metabolic syndrome profile .
Raises hand ——-it was Chocolate mousse . I use to order it , take one bite and then give it to my boyfriend while searching for the same “ ah ha “ moment . One day we went to D.C. I ordered a chocolate mousse but this time I kept eating it . When my boyfriend stole a bite he finally knew what I had been searching for
Aren’ t Man Caves just a place where the husband decorate with Beer logos or Nascar driver’s photographs ? The ones I have seen all have the same red and black room from Hell look with various sports posters. When they go all “ Coca Cola “ it’s not called a Man Cave
That will require physicians make less money . My understanding is that in countries with nationalized healthcare M.D.s make much less than in the US. Whlile this could be mandated I foresee Docs quitting to do other work to pay for their exorbitant school loans
I am so sorry for the horrible way you have been treated . From the physician’s viewpoint Medicaid ‘s reimbursement is less than their costs usually . The only place I have seen it work is in charitable clinics where doctors choose to work for a reduced pay scale because of their religious / humanitarian beliefs . I…
Unless your state has some restrictions , your doc can send in scripts with the date each script can be filled . It usually depends on how stable your pain is etc
See if you can get the genetic testing for how you metabolize drugs . My routine tests indicated I had normal B12 levels ——I was even accused of being alcoholic because the size of my RBC was so very high ( I never drink alcohol) . Turns out I genetically cannot process B12 .That genetic testing was the proof —not…
Stay strong . I have been ill without a diagnosis for 18 years .Keep good records because as you age you may forget important parts of the story . You cannot rely on your dictor’s records to contain all the pertinent facts
Wow! What a stark , deeply thought and sincere feeling ..........can I tell you some of us , see those scars as a sign of true strength ? We may not be the men who some women feel justify their existence , but we too have value when we say we admire you and the effort you have made to be who you want to be
I could write volumes about this . Where I live the State had a gorgeous piece of property with an old mental hospital in the center of downtown . I have no doubt that Developers were involved with what happened next. They built a new facility in the hinterlands that failed Federal evaluation twice but oh now there is…
This is the first time I support her . Those children are being used by adults —-otherwise why the effort to film it and display two versions .? It’s on the adults who set the children up for how.this turned out . They put the children in an attack position and then want to cry “ Foul” when she replies in turn
You said it far better than I could . My thought was that these children are being just as used as when terrorists put children in danger to protect their location . But that is too extreme an example
I once had a medical condition that caused me to stop eating for weeks . I dropped thirty pounds during that time and stayed in ketosis because of starvation . Drinking water hurt . I went from M.D. to M.D. They would say “ just eat “ but I could not . It really hurt . Finally one doc saved my life . He ordered a…
Some of the smartest people of their time worked for Adolph Hitler . Intelligence is no assurance of good choices
Ah, but do you recall “ Alas Babylon”?
I am not sure why you characterize N.C as weird . It is what it is ......perhaps it seems strange to the huge number of transplants who keep moving there because of it’s ratings as The Best Place To Live “several times
Why do ÿou think his goal was to discredit the Red Ballcap crowd?
That to me is the most onerous part . Some innocent people could have been falsely accused and prosecuted .
That happened in our community . A young man slithered in a side door and raped an elderly woman . I cannot recall if they caught him in the act and he ran or on tape but eventually he was caught and prosecuted . The facility was in trouble for not keeping their doors locked . I went by at Christmas a few years later…