Trowble (XBL/PSN)

I picked up Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, but sadly Gunstar Heroes isn't on it, so that just might be the title I'll be picking up.

No moogle in sight...

Funny how he taps his staff to try and get it to work...

Too bad it doesn't come with two turn tables and a microphone...

At least they're not beer goggles.

@Holygriever: That was awesome, great job! Referencing Doug awesome, great job! You're awesome, great job! Man I miss that show... :(

Well that's one way to pour salt on the exclusivity wound...

Seems like Sonys answer to Mario Kart, interesting...

No thanks, I'll pass.

Another flaccid peripheral!

It looks like a glorified vibrator to me.

This I like very much...

A more accurate Wii Fit Plus? Why oh why must Nintendo sucker first time adopters?

It's ugly and there's no 2nd analog, so I'll pass.

Lunar, Fragile, and Half-Minute Hero are the ones I'll be getting for sure...

Maybe it's a Wii Fit for Plus sized people, breaking the 330lbs barrier? Just sayin...

So would it be wrong to have him hate hating things?