Trowble (XBL/PSN)

Oddly enough, I was just thinking of this lady from Kung Pow a couple of days ago even though I saw the movie a couple of weeks ago, for the 3rd time. Didn't think to link it to the new Wii-U. Was it a premonition? Hmmm.....

I wouldn't be surprised if it's done as a marketing stunt in order to persuade others to subscribe.

I'll be mad if it pairs subscription players with non-subscription player, even though I wouldn't subscribe anyway, it's just that it seems a little unfair.

For some sadistic reason I wanted to hear a cat scream when he shot the sawblade the last time while he looked at the camera...

I'd give up tech, because knowing how good or bad someone's food or body odor is, is on a need to know basis, granted not all bad smelling food (yarlsberg cheese) is good, but bad B.O. always is...

Looks like they're going for the same premise that people will buy anything with an Apple logo on it.

I agree, it just seems like another viral video making the rounds...

Yea, my favorites as well.

The one with the camera pre then post rapture is my favorite, nice job!


I'll give it a try, since my sleeping habits have been pretty bad lately, plus I love me some brownies...

I've seen that trailer by my gym at Kaufman Studios. When I saw the flyers, I thought it would've been his, since I didnt think Tommy Lee Jones would have something like that.

I felt sorry for Neil, more than I did the Cadbury Eggs...

Well that sucks and the foam doesn't seem too reassuring either...

But will it play nice with Apple's Smart Cover?

Dave Chappelle possibly making a comeback? Well that just made my year! And from the article it said he was "ripped" from working out just made it weird...

Since he's not a celebrity he's not doing any hard time, like Barry Bonds with his 1 for 3 mistrial, sucks to be Evan...

Wow... I've never seen that video before, but that's hilarious!

Thumbs up for the music and narration! Hahaha... I don't care for those type video anyway. Unboxing a product isn't going to help me determine whether or not I'm going to buy something.

Couldn't have said it better myself, agreed!