
I will also continue to hate-watch this show. It's all I have at this point.

Every time I see stuff from "old Earth" I cringe. Yeah, all the crap that gets manufactured now that needs replacing after like 2 or 3 years is now magically durable enough to survive thousands of years in perfectly preserved condition. Like paper freaking maps! The Mona Lisa is in danger of decay in our real world

My immediate thought to Abi's reaction to Woo's story was, "Oh, she's a sociopath"

Mike is absolutely likable. Has he had some bad moments? Sure. But nothing awful. The "bad" decisions by Mike, both personal and strategic, were pretty tame on a Survivor scale. Especially when compared to the other contestants this season.

I love that this is the first reply to a well thought out and informative post. I laughed so hard. Sillyness.

I think you meant "liberal" hate.

"Your company doesn't even need a reason to fire you. That's America, homey. Do you hate America?"

I had not heard that, thanks for passing along the info.

Am I the only one here that thinks that Saul is the bad guy? I thought it ever since season 2 ended, the way the camera follows Saul after the Langley bombing. All the polygraph tests he's so reluctant to take. People look at Saul and don't suspect him, but he stood the most to gain after the bombing, he had the means