Somehow adventures just find him!
Somehow adventures just find him!
He looks like the guy that got arrested for drunk driving while wearing a "shitfaced" tshirt.
I can't stop looking at's mesmerizing.
I can't believe how long I laughed at that.
holy shit.
I love this!
This is hands down the best version of this gif I have seen.
Is there any chance of interference or vampire draw from the wire?
ahhhh, ok, thank you for the info :).
Somebody murdered my brother. Now, I'm seeking vengeance the only way I know how: by taking local businesses to task for not salting the stairs out front of their establishments and putting the health and safety of their customers at risk. Have you been hurt in a fall? Fuckin' call me, bra.
- Daddy, what do you do when you go to work?
When you have cable, you spend a lot of time watching TV indoors on rainy days.
Jim Cantore, storm reporter, storm trooper.
You are absolutely right. I meant vs. not being there at all. Sometimes people hesitate to call or visit someone who is grieving because they don't know what to say. What I mean is to not let that stop you.
But if I want to be a lion because of the luscious mane and smooth swagger, I'm okay right?
Say anything. There really isn't too much you can say wrong. What's wrong is not saying anything.
My son died about four years ago. The worst part for me was/is that people are afraid to talk about him, like they'll reopen an old wound or something. I'm sure it's different for everyone, but my wife and I want to talk about him and remember the good times with him. Sometimes it feels like everyone wants to let…