
So why cover his scars? I honestly have no idea who this person is but that scarf is just horrible. It's like he's trying to be cool but it comes across as Fedora-like.

Really? It's not highly polished, it's boring tilesets that I've seen again and again.

I hope he doesn't take it off and forget about his family all of a sudden. Memory loss is such a horrible thing to happen to someone.

Except they didn't. Some weaboos got upset, I hear.

Really cold day. Indoors?

Oh is that the same clown?

Both are equally bad, especially indoors.

What the hell is up with that scarf? Why is he or she wearing it?

Careful. Your comment will be dismissed.

Who is that cunt wearing a scarf? What the fuck is that? Does he (or she?) have a neck disease?

Can't disagree enough. The 2D ones had their time and have not aged well (as say, classic Mario or Sonic). Movement was too rigid, too. Maybe if everyone else hadn't copied the art style laid out by SE as to render it completely generic.

Oh excellent. Love the 3D models. I played the originals way back when but these days due to everyone else those 2D sprited JRPGs all look too familiar and samey. I don't know whether or not those low-poly models will look as good on PC but they're fantastic on DS.

Not at all. I had Zenonia 1 on my PSP and then Zenonia 3 on iOS (onwards) has in-app purchases. Horrible stuff. Certainly not tainting my play experience with stuff like that.

As an old member of Mensa with a couple of degrees under his belt, and some small companies I probably think not. I just don't care one bit about Halo. Last I heard it was made by a company called Bungie. I don't read gaming news a lot either. Hmm.

I just find it interesting when British people use "poop". My kids read/watch Winnie The Pooh too but I still use poo. It's just a cracking word.

Did you not read the part where I said I read the article but didn't commit the name to memory?

I've always had to wonder why americans say "poop".

Why did you say "poop"?

I did, I just didn't commit it to memory since I'm not interested until I hear about a PC port so I can get it in a Steam sale or a bundle.

I think it's because I have zero interest in the series, LOL!