When most developed countries have the same law I'm inclined to agree with it.
When most developed countries have the same law I'm inclined to agree with it.
I don't very much.
Don't like lag. Can't use Vita TV to play non-splitscreen multiplayer games with the wife.
Don't be. 10 years ago I was living at my parents because I couldn't afford to move out after graduating college. I was working crappy jobs and yet had no money. Seriously I had nothing and my gf at the time was equally poor. Having nothing was a good motivator. Funny thing is I still don't drive.
There was a time when I couldn't either. I liked when my career kicked off and I was able to go back and buy all the ones I missed out on. Worked out cheaper that way too.
I know it's weird how many think it's a lot. I have my reasons for buying 2 consoles - mostly so I can play games with my wife. In the end they're not that pricey when they last 10 years (8 with Sony support, few more for finishing up on games you bought).
It's a Vita so it'll fall under that. They really need to adjust the amount you're allowed. I already had to mod 2 of my PSPs because Sony only let me use 2 handhelds (I own a PSP 2000, 3000, Go and Vita). My purchased library is also huge but I had to go down the modded route to get all my machines working.
No, why?
I thought they changed that recently? I know it used to be 5 devices total (PSP, PS3). But once the Vita came out it moved to 2 handhelds and 2 PS3s. Has it changed again?
They're not that expensive for what they are and how long they last.
Why would I need to take drugs? I'm not like you lot.
What time is it in Japan? Ah I'll phone him in the morning.
I considered that but the lag prevents me from doing so. Besides, I like to play games with my wife and since most games now choose to omit splitscreen multiplayer it's all we could do.
I'm not a fan of lag so PS TV is out the window. Might get one to natively play PSP/PS Vita games on my TV though.
I bought two because I wanted one for my living room and bedroom, I might get a third for my holiday home but I don't know what ownership rights apply to digitally purchased goods on these machines.
Some people have suggested that, it's a stupid idea though which is why it hasn't happened.
Of course. Lets allow opium, cyanide and other nasty things just run free. They're natural after all. Ozone is natural. Care to take a whiff?
Of course how did I not think about that, think of the trees man.
We do lock people up for getting drunk. Look at how bad it is now with drunk drivers. It's currently illegal to drink and drive.
Nothing stupid about using mind altering illegal drugs.