
Alcohol has physical harm and is physically addictive. Marijuana causes psychological harm and is psychologically addictive (like gaming, gambling). Both aren't great. Another big difference is alcohol is limited to the user only, unless you're eating marijuana.

Yup, tobacco should probably be banned. At least where I live you cannot smoke in a public place at all. It has to be a designated area or in your own home.

Who or what is a Nixon?

That's just a word, though. It's just aids, it's just cocaine, it's just a bit of heroin, it's just a gambling addiction.

That's actually bad for you. You can trigger a cardiac arrest in some people.

Well... they're not. Look at this Zoe Quinn situation with her sleeping with journalists for good reports/favours for her games. Sure it's bad but the vitriol from the internet has been awful, too.

Don't be silly, this isn't America. But it is China and you have to respect the rules of the country. It's as simple as that.

I'm afraid you'll have to. Otherwise I hear gaol can be nice?

Oh that's good. Fuck that's good.

I know people like taking recreational drugs, but maybe you shouldn't.

"relatively harmless", which is why it has been linked to schizophrenia, paranoia and other psychological disorders. It's not contained like alcohol is. I don't go around spraying alcohol in the air so everyone can get a little bit drunk with me.

What am I defending?

How about not committing the crime in the first place? easy enough.

I imagine this is supposed to mean something.

That is quite awesome.

"no reason" you're funny.

You mean physical or psychologically? Because gambling and gaming aren't addictive by using that logic.

What was illegal and now isn't? Are you using your countries laws? Perhaps you should state where you're from when you do such a thing.

Don't be so angry, maybe you should take some of those drugs you enjoy to chill out?

Exactly that. If you need to do it, do it somewhere where it's legal. I'm not going to Dubai to open a cheap boozey pub am I? Respect local laws. Simple.