
English isn't my native language but I am European. It's really unusual to see this, I'm going to have to dismiss your comments from here on because you're trying to talk to me when the issue is with the liar OP who is not colour blind at all and seeks to only further his own ego here.

Again I'm sorry, my intentions were never to hurt you.

I know they exist as a physical condition, it's extremely rare and doctors won't say "his penis is small, this is a girl". They look for the penis, testes or vagina and note down the sex of the newborn.

What point? Unless you addressed it to me I wouldn't have seen it. But if it's similar to this post, why would a doctor say a male baby is female because his penis is small? Why would anyone make such a thing up? If you're born with a penis you're male, if you have a vagina you're female, if you have both then you can

It sounds like you have some issues.

Nope, not at all. I'm sorry I made you so furious for pointing out a poster here was lying, I didn't mean to make you feel this bad at all.

Er, no. Zen just added the rest of the missing tables to the PS4. They had a selection of tables on PS4 when the game launched. Everything transferred across nicely.

Nope, I posted this on a forum and a couple of users have said that person is known for posting fake stories. They found a social media page that's likely from him where he's asking for tips on becoming a better writer.

Not at all. Just pointing out a liar who should be treated as such.

I've dealt with this type of person before so I assumed and predicted such a leap and charged reply would be made. The PhD is nothing, really, but a commitment to solid science. That's all it means. It could be a PhD in nailcare for all you know and that wouldn't change the reason why that word was dropped in there.

That's quite a sexist article. I'm male and don't like Transformers. My wife and daughter do and have seen the new one already.

Maybe, I'm not into this soft science and psychological stuff. I was raised and got my PhD in solid science, not a biology either but I've been educated to believe in solid science... I guess.

"So...if a person has a penis, but identifies as a woman, that means they are one?"

Creepy as hell? It's a made up story and more like "artificial as all hell".

Unlike people who enjoy spreading lies that was actually an unintentional double press due to my own failure to check and my BT keyboard with near empty batteries. Still, no word from the blind chimp who is trying to lie, probably about his disability too.

Spitting image!

Acceptable use in the context and tense. Although I do know that lots of Americans try to trip people up on their use of English even though their general grasp is limp at best..

I don't care what they do, so long that they don't care I get to look down on them and laugh because I'm smarter. *shrugs*

It sounds like your wife is a bit simple then, no offense. My wife has a PS Vita, she calls it a Vita. I guess that means she's ahead of yours. My kids call it a Vita, they too must be marginally ahead.

Try that again, I couldn't understand it and I speak English.