
I know he is. A mutual friend has told me he's upset he was caught out and won't be replying to these in order to "bury it". So long that we know the poster is an absolute liar it's a complete win.

Then you're doing it wrong. PS3, PS4, 360, Xbox One (or x bone as I've heard IRL). PS Vita isn't a PSP. It's the Vita, etc.

Lawyers are great at making money and problem solving within an established set of rules (law). I'm an astrophysicist, though these days I only lecture on it and occasionally contribute to books on the subject since my kids came along, I help out my wife manage her game studio too because everything in that world is a

But that would be like calling the 3DS a DS. It's not. A DS is different to a 3DS, a GB doesn't include the GBA family. You have to be a retard to not know this.

Shorthand for Gameboy Advance is "GBA".

True, I know smart people generally so that is probably why I've never come across something as retarded as that.

Excepting less of your fellow man, that's wonderful to be so backwards.

Sounds like you know some right morons! No offense. I don't think I've ever heard a GBA called a GB, a 3DS a DS, a Wii U a Wii.

But then you see it there, plain as day in his post.

Then his mum is a horrible person, if that's the case.

Nope, I've seen a few made up stories by this user in the past. Someone told me he just wants to get lots of recommendations and to write for the site.

Iconic? Never heard of Archy comics. Heard of Archer, though.

"That's a great story!"

Yeah I'm wondering why they posted that. It's rare for sure but I get it once every play session. The appearance rate is quite good for it.

I'm 40 hours into Mario Kart and I thought it just awarded you with 1 coin! Thanks for this heads up.

Where is the trolling?

Haha, whoa boy have I touched a nerve, I'm sorry I made you feel this way. What is the 5th Kirby game? Are we talking main series or are spin-offs included?

I hope so too.

Then an Xbox means Xbox original, not the Xbox One, right?

Why are you lying?