Yeah that actually sounds really good.
Yeah that actually sounds really good.
What medication are you on for your autism?
Looks like it.
I spent my childhood on southern, mainland Europe. I never watched US shows or anything and when I finally visited in the late 80's I was shocked at how backwards it was! Kinda like the Middle East but not as bad in regards to women being told what to do.
What is objectionable about any of this?
"faggit"? Really? Where's the report button on Kotaku?
Yup, certainly looks gross to me. I wouldn't say I've gone as far as to not watch anime that does this but if the choice is a good anime with or without that face: the without one wins.
"Who cares"? Well, you do evidently.
Then kindly look at the posts of users who are posting that this looks similar, verging on plagiarism demonstrating with screenshots. It's Samsung copying Apple: the metroidvania game.
When it's to someone who is deliberately belligerent like Bobsplosion you can. Nobody else, of course, I hold them in higher regard. You only need to look at the quality of his post (picking the most different shots he can find, rather than ones that display plagiarism).
1 person against, 3 people saying "you're right!". Your proof is 2 cherry picked screenshots that go against my point, whilst others say "yup" and then link to the Castlevania versions of each shot the developer has uploaded.
Totally agree. It's very sad to see such a blatant copy and paste getting this attention.
The author can't rely on his past projects as a "I'm cool" weapon and then claim it started out as a college project. You can't pick both to back yourself up with.
Normally I'd be for a game like this but in this case: fuck no.
Yeah it was really good. My first "play every night" online game. Using the gravity gun glitch to get onto the rooftop on Overwatch. Camping on that roof to get the rocket launcher, hiding behind that section with a revolver to take out those trying to get said rocket launcher.
Oh my I used to do this with HL2 Death Match. They used to give away copies for people with ATi video cards. All my systems at the time had ATi and I had many of them. So I just made fake accounts with usernames of my local streets. I must have had 7 of them. I'd be a monster in games on my favourite server and each…
Why would something that isn't a failure be fundamentally changing itself and cutting its price less than 1 year on market?
I couldn't do that because I only have 2 bluray players in my house, and all my Transformers films are on bluray.
Is this a new enough comment to reply to?
Even though the points are valid, that's a great way of bypassing them! Haha. Okay, tell you what then I'll just reply to your new comments instead. Will that make you happy? What is the definition of an "old" comment?