Whoa, this.
Whoa, this.
I remember being really excited and thrilled at the violence in MK2 when that was in arcades.
I love the sound of this. I got to fly on Concorde a few times and it was simply a magical experience. I never switched on my Gameboy on those planes, just put my walkman on and sat back and relaxed watching everything below.
True, but I find UE has really bad mouse lag. I think it may just be the games that use it have lots of post-processing effects that increase lag (even on my powerful PC).
The UE system is loads better, and on the smaller scale you have Unity. There isn't even a lot of love for Source.
He should live.
And Aeon Online or something like that. Basically just a handful. I don't want to point and them and laugh, but if you're building your business around your killer engine you'd best... you know... license it out.
Your girl needs to calm down!
"Xbox Snap Party", haha, I don't know why but that sounds so sad.
What I'd like is a Wii U Gamepad with a DS and 3DS cart slot so I can continue playing my handheld games upscaled on my fucking huge TV. It should add AA too.
Repeating what, might I add? I said nothing other than "things aren't so great" at Crytek. It's not even a quote, LOL. If my friend did the same for me I wouldn't mind, why should I? Nobody is implicated, I even hid the identity behind a few possible tricks.
That's a complaint I hear a lot. Growth really has to be organic for creative industries.
They should, but nobody uses their engine.
They have hundreds of employees. I may have even inverted the gender of my friend to avoid such a thing.
I like to consider myself as "someone who should buy Crytek products". I love Roland Emmerich films so Crysis should appeal to me (it doesn't, beyond the first game), there's no Crysis 3 on Steam so that's a no-go for me, I don't give two flips about web games or browser compatible engines, or Ryse, or F2P.
My son used to play MK7 all the time. Now he asks me "why is Luigi a bad guy, is he trying to get Mario". I've had to explain to him that Bowser and Wario are his enemies and Luigi is his brother. "you mean like me and [INSERT HIS BROTHERS NAME]? We always fight".
I'll ask her next time I see her but I don't think she will. She's quite a timid person and doesn't like "rocking boats".
Friend of mine works at the UK studio. She says things aren't so great there either.
So another "crazy China" thing.
I guess you have to put the experience of a 2 star and 5 star together. That's how it works.