"7 star hotel". How does that work then?
"7 star hotel". How does that work then?
Crazy. You don't get that where I live unless it's something like you're cheating on your partner. People are generally accepting of normal functions.
The Flushing Pimp :') only ever saw him one. What a guy.
Never understood that expression. What shame? Is sex shameful in your part of the world?
I never knew that. My hands were horrible in my teens/early 20's. Now they're excellent. Maybe they're running in reverse.
I dunno. There's clickbait here that I'm dead set against but I don't consider this one of them. I got all the info I wanted from the image and headline.
What am I doing here*
I swear this article jinxed me. I don't use public transport much but I had to get the train yesterday. Some woman had her legs up across 3 seats, she wasn't fat or anything but just a total arsehole. 1 person taking up a whole row. It's a shame she wasn't thrown off the train in the middle of nowhere.
Thanks for the heads up. I guess it varies by state.
Holy fuck that's it. I hate to be near people who smell. Stuck in a tight public transport situation with them only makes it ten times worse.
Absolutely agree. I don't have anything to add to that.
Oh no they wouldn't be clones. Just close, medium, long range that nicely fit in with Nintendo's big 3 characters.
I imagine those moves will be themed or better with different types. Sakurai said there were 3 types taking up 3 panels on the selection screen.
There are customisations within the type. I imagine those 32 moves will be themed for each type.
A self inflicted one.
"being fat is not an impediment"
It was my 2nd post on this article. But you know, it's much easier to say "troll" as an attempt to shut people up than it is to look things up.
Same for here. But you always get one person who is just going to do what he or she wants to do and there's nothing you can do to stop them.
The public transport systems I've used always have areas near the end of the car for people with bulk or more items or prams.
Anywhere that is furthest from the busiest area is fine. It's like when you're on a plane and you're stuck by a window and someone next to you is taking up 2 seats. It's just not pleasant at all.