
It's rather simple, Ubisoft. Between this and Uplay I'm no longer getting your games. The last one I got was AssCreed Liberations because the Vita lineup was dry back then, and I really enjoyed it.

Did you know the most notorious assassin of that little period was a woman? Asking my history lecturer friend he says there were no black assassins in that period at that time, or homosexual or agender etc.

I don't see how they're competing against them 2, they seem to be doing their own thing. What makes you think they're directly competing?

But when the argument is Nintendo is doomed and should go third party of course handhelds need to be brought in because it completely moots the argument.

What's with the retarded voice though?

What the hell is up with that voice?

Bloom and gradient shading helps too. It actually looks really nice. I hope it's a little more advanced than this though. SMB levels only scrolling horizontally after all...

Buying them. All of them. For fucks sake Nintendo/PDP.

So let's get this straight.

You mean the system that's currently in second, behind the PS4?

Absolute same! My kids loved Epic Yarn. It was oddly difficult in parts, but Kirby games usually are. They still replay the early levels over and over. Then they got onto the older titles.

Just a reminder that there has only been 1 decent Yoshi's Island type game (the original) and 1 decent Star Fox game (the N64 one).

Ah Streetpass. Now the only reason to attend E3. Good way to fill out ALL your panels on Puzzle Swap.

That's an odd comment :)

I'm serious I didn't touch anything. How do you edit posts here? I'm sure the mobile app used to have a way of doing so.

My wife actually jumped up when Palutena was announced! And now wants to cosplay her. Well done Nintendo.

If it's going to happen it really has to be on PS4. Something that good looking needs to be in high resolution.

So perfect! But... why 2 USB cables?

Looks great! Fantastic use of the original door sound too (which also made it's way into Doctor Who on one episode, the one that was very Doom-like in itself. The Impossible Planet it might have been)

(why can't I see your replies properly? Oh well in reply to this: