
It seems that you just want an argument. Don't deviate. You asked why I wanted to know and said that I do care about it. I've answered that - I'm curious as to what people see in it, not the content of the film itself.

(I can't see your reply. It's showing up in my notifications inbox but it won't load up here)

I don't see an edit feature. I'm using Firefox with adblock, so maybe that's blocking the edit button? Honestly the only things I can do to a post is Fave or Reply. You might have to explain this one!

It's no problem! I don't have long until my family returns, Mario Kart 8 tonight! It's a really fun game too.

Pretty much!

Haha, oh my. My wife's picking the kids up from their friends at the moment so I can't show her. As two people who watched that Elliot Roger event unfurl (we're both "feminists" or equalists. I even posted a joke about MRAs on Twitter that got 2.5k RTs) we'll surely get a chuckle from your comment.

Wait what, blocked account? You're going to have to explain this one. How can I possibly block an account? I'm not an admin here.

Well, not, though.

I bet you call game patches DLC too, as they add new things such as "less bugs!".

Then it's simple, you either want to play Mario games and you make time or you don't. Bitching and crying about having a busy job and child (so do I yet I manage to magically own all consoles except the Xbox One) won't save you. Tip: don't talk online and your free time will shoot up.

I'm not tough at all :) what a curious thing to say.

Strange thing to say, of course my kid does. Infact he's the only kids on our street who doesn't get unlimited access to an iPad. But he's a genius. Then again I was the same as a child, at that age I could tell the difference between a composite, RGB scart and VGA image from my microcomputers. Maybe you just have a

Comprehension is high, I just care to dismiss when people try to control what I do with "don't like it move on". No, I'll do what I want. If you choose to do something stupid like upload the lowest quality video filmed on a potato, then no disclaimer will stop people telling you it's bad.

Don't know how you got that from my post. You might want to re-read.

Why would they charge from them? I don't know if you know about games or not but that's what is called "bonus content" backstage. Where DLC refers to items that you pay money for. By definition it's not DLC. I've never even heard Rockstar announce it publicly as DLC, just "content packs" or Update.

Shit quality, no thanks. Will wait.

Exactly, missing out on fun games is something I can't do!

You're a bit of a failure, aren't you?

Matt you must be a moron.

That aren't very funny, though.