
It's strange to see how desperate sites are to make people watch streams on their sites. Personally I'm watching on Nintendo's own site, since they're the ones that run it *shrugs*

Oh my god.

What DLC?

Don't care. Love the game immensely and I didn't even like the older games that much. Online is great fun to troll people in. Will buy this day 1 just because the shit framerate on the last gen consoles is shit.

Why live blog? You know there are streams, don't you?

Seriously who is this person. We all know it's better at home. I knew that before I attended E3. You don't go to E3 to watch the presentations. Also: how did you get into them? The requirements are usually so high that you need to be a high up at a studio or a friend of the console developer.

Simon Pegg is the weakest part of those films I agree.

Yeah but that headline wouldn't be anywhere near as grabbing, which is all blog sites want to do now.

This is trolling?

It's all a bit Upworthy again.

I'll get this when it comes included in the GOTY version in a Steam Sale for sure!

Oh, you do, like that Oatmeal.

Your friends mustn't be very good if Rainbow Road is a problem.

If it doesn't come to PS4 or PC I'll have to skip it and play another game instead!

No, I'm curious as to why people are really big on it. I see lots of films come and go but people seem to really like that screeching song.

The only good way to attend E3 is to be a VIP. To be able to bypass all the annoying queues and sit in on the big press events. That's the good stuff. I've been once as a VIP and twice as a normal human being, the human one was rubbish because everyone else is smelly mostly.


Don't mention it! I stole it from another site anyways :)

How about something better than that in times that exist all around the world?

Net...izens ...