
The child looks his age, the problem is white people refuse to acknowledge that they’re looking at children when they look at our children. If they acknowledged that they were being shitty to children they might actually have to rethink their ways rather than puff themselves up about what good people they are.

This. Gun nuts love to talk about gun safety and shit, and then one of their own says this crap when they try to murder someone.

Fuck this dude allllll the way to jail.

We know weed and a grinder were collected from the apartment as evidence. There hasn’t been any statement as to whether it was linked to either of them.

Someone stated yesterday that the police union in Dallas has a clause that officers aren’t questioned for the first 48 hours after an incident. She’s been sobering up and cleaning her system and tslk8ng to her union reps and lawyers to get her story straight, which will undoubtedly be “I smelled marijuana/heard a