
Everyone is a mutt, pretty much. These people just take into account what you look like superficially because that’s how they think: not very deeply at all. Once upon a time Italians were seen as an inferior “race.”

He is fucked for life. Like I said in another comment, everyone will know him as “the guy that raped that unconscious girl.” Nobody will hire him, befriend him, date him, or defend him (at least not the people that you WANT to do all those things). He’s an entitled little shit who’s destined for a worthless,

I like to take solace in the fact that this guy is royally fucked for the rest of his life, whether he’s in or out of jail. People will hear “Brock Turner” and recall the image of his bloated, vacant face that’ll be associated with rape forever. People will not hire him, befriend him, date him, or defend him (at least

I just read the plot online and it comes across as insufferable, pseudo-intellectual hipster bullshit that was written before hipsters were a thing.

I worked on a failed show called “The Real Exorcist” about a priest/con man who went around claiming he could exorcise people’s “demons” (which were, in this case: depression, anxiety, anger, sadness, homosexual urges, heterosexual urges, sleepwalking, etc.). And he just so happened to always “help” poor people who

IKR? Let them own their stupidity and ugliness in a public forum. Please?

It’s just so sad. They spend so much time yelling at things they don’t understand, including the idea of “left-leaning gossip blog.”

I’m not for a second blaming the victim — the would-be/failed rapist is responsible for his own disgusting, assaultive actions — but that caught my eye too. Just...why? I mean, she should be able to do whatever she wants — go to his room, not go to his room — without fear of being fucking assaulted, but still,

I was wondering that too? Not blaming her — he’s responsible for his own illegal, assaultive actions — but...why?

“Luann” is such homely, boring name anyway. Totally unbecoming, especially on someone like her who believes herself to be some sort of glittering socialite.


I get shrill and bitchy and tampon commercials. But I do that most of the time anyway.

She really is an asshole.

No seriously though, these people sound like assholes. And they have outstanding warrants for being assholes elsewhere? Not surprised.

I don’t use it unless my BF is with me. I hate feeling like I have to hide behind him, but getting in a car with a stranger is literally what we were told NOT to do as children.

That’s what gets people: the beauty pageant aspect. They’ve always been controversial and this case appeared to provide a strong confirmation that pageants = murder (when really her pageant history never contributed anything to this homicide). It’s like when that dumb girl from awhile back tried to divorce her parents

In my book, Gabby can do whatever she wants with her face. She’s spent her whole life conditioning her body to accomplish near-perfect (perfect?) power, efficiency, and speed. So go ahead, girl: frown. You’ve earned it.

I work at an animal shelter and I see people fret about what kind of raw diet to give their dog while their kids eat Funyuns two feet away. Bizarre.

I’m okay with it. Humans as animals need certain nutrients that come from a variety of sources, animals included. Especially the growing ones. The idea that people could withhold that nutrition from your OWN CHILD is why some shouldn’t breed.