Troubled by Nouns

It was for me.
I worked there though.

Statistically his 14 year old daughter probably had a point. I work with someone who has an 11 year old daughter and he complains about how “she has changed” and attacks him for being sexist. I would feel bad for him but I’ve heard him defending Weinstein so I’m thinking his kid is on the money.

Sounds like he’s gotten himself into quite a...predicament.

I fail to see a practical difference between what the kid did with the cash and what the parents were planning to with it, besides the kid's efficiency.

They may be out $1,000, but the good news is now at least they don’t have to go to a bunch of Utah games.

I don't have kids, but letting your two year old play with a paper shredder seems like insanely poor parenting.

I... don’t think that’s how moviegoing works. 

And to think he was once a little, green slab of clay.

By the Numbers, He Said It, and This Week’s Sign of the Apocalypse on the walk from the mailbox to the front door, then Reilly as soon as I got in the house. Ugh. 

Change that to 12, and we are the same. I wonder what percentage of Deadspin’s readers fall right into that specific demographic. By the Numbers and Reilly’s article were the first two things I read in each issue. 

And you’ll be grateful for it, with this state of the world decay.

The line between /s/ and trollery grows thinner and thinner.

This is growing so tiresome. It’s getting to the point where a prominent Republican cannot go to a DC restaurant without being confronted by the jeers of an angry mob. This is not how democracy is supposed to work people. One day, the people of Washington DC will wake up and realize that if they want to affect real

was soon applied to other popular licenses like the Fables comic book series, Batman, and Game of Thrones.

Ditto. I also loved the goon’s description of it as “war paint”. It’s all really grounded and understandable. Sometimes in the comics and cartoons, it’s difficult to see how these people can justify actually following the guy. In Dark Knight, you can see how his initial gang doesn’t really respect him and only sort-of

Can’t this website go one day without talking about Batman’s dick?

god we all had this soundtrack in 7th grade.