Troubled by Nouns

It may be silly to conclude that buying is better solely because owners don’t face rent hikes, but it’s certainly not a trivial issue. Annual rent increases of five percent (which I faced as a renter) add up really fast over just a few years.

Please do an entire feature comparing renderings of stadiums and the final product.

Well played.

I remember that episode. Trump was so wooden. When they announced The Apprentice a decade later, I figured NBC had to get him a ton of acting coaches to make it work.

Sometimes if you get the joke, you’re allowed to make another joke in response.

Well it lives at a high school in The OC so I'm guessing ... Not wild.

I believe, as an ostensibly journalistic enterprise, Deadspin has wider latitude to post copyrighted material than, say, YouTube.

Also thanks since the only version on YouTube is NFL Network’s garbage “look back” with talking heads blathering over the music.

smoke cigars in the backroom

I was sooo ready to swoop in on this. I went to a women’s college for grad school and UCLA for undergrad. But I can’t find the ad and suspect it was taken down. GEEZ MOM!

I’ve appreciated reading other people’s mantras in the comments. Mine is “Your getting fat.” The typo is deliberate, to anger/motivate me even more.

He actually makes quite a few these days. And yet, it hasn't prevented him from still being the best.


LOL ... first thing anyone goes to is biceps.

I’m really confused about what Vitals is supposed to be lately.

That’s what happens when literally everyone involved (except perhaps Rhys Darby) is 100 percent phoning it in.

Walking into a shot that Christian Bale is doing always ends well.

Don’t forget United Fruit

Apparently she is on Pretty Little Liars, which I can’t understand if it’s really a real TV show, or just a source of young women to be photographed and written about by celeb gossip magazines.