The hat is like the Iron Throne. You have to kill whoever is wearing it in order to wear it yourself.
The hat is like the Iron Throne. You have to kill whoever is wearing it in order to wear it yourself.
And your Kinja handle is “mustlovebutt.” What’s not to like, ladies!?!
Hall of Famer Whitey Ford is on the field now, pleading with the players for some kind of sanity.
What's really disappointing to me about this show ending is that it won't stick around in our national consciousness like Breaking Bad or The Wire. I don't know anyone personally who watches it. All I have is the comments section on the AV Club, and I can't even get around to posting until several days after the…
I've heard a lot of theories about why weight loss plans aren't working for people, but "hanging around with too many lesbians" is a new one.
I’m curious if the people who say LAX is terrible are the same people who always talk about how bad freeway traffic is. Yes, both are bad, but if you live here, you deal.
I would say it’s more like they are slowly letting ONT die with no support, but either way the result is the same.
I am totally in favor of this and have kept a journal for years now, but I also notice that the people who look really great at the gym are not the same people recording all their workouts in a journal (as far as I can tell). I suppose this is a reminder to do what works for me and not worry about anyone else.
Thank you for pointing this out. The reality is every private college asks staff to donate, more as a symbolic gesture than because they are actually looking for money from this source. NYU's email is par for the course. #america
They do make 15-lb bars. The bar is usually a little shorter than your standard 45-lb bar. No way to tell from this picture what she is using, though.
+1 white walker
But we're all agreeing the second movie didn't happen, right? I mean, what was the point.
No refills on milk. This is what sealed it for me.
The groom's dad yelled at us all like a bunch of 10-year-olds
A perceived no-show would count against my Open Table score and I'm not trying to ruin my life.
Don't worry, Marshawn will clear up any confusion at his next press conference.
Van Slyke is better right now than Crawford or Ethier. I kept wanting him to replace Andre. Though frankly his stats might have been pumped by only being played against lefties.
What's really funny is that it happened fully five years after pop culture blew up over Jessica Simpson not knowing that buffalo wings are not made out of buffaloes.
Wait, you don't grow your own linguini? There are a lot of different varietals you're missing out on, honestly.