
Tim tried to do plot once and handle a subject that was of a serious nature and people lost their fucking minds. Since then he scrapped the original CAD storyline by ending things with timeline shennanigans and has been doing short story arc sections with the “Ethan McMannus in space” and the “adventures of analog

But some of what he says here isn’t. We ‘re quick to label people we don’t agree with.

How low does the bar have to be when your best compliment is “everything single thing he said wasn’t completely stupid”? Even Trump says things that are true 25% of the time, that’s no measure for a functioning human being.

This is really where I am sitting with the whole thing. He can clarify all he wants, but the fact is he demonstrated a lot of racist ideas. You can try and soften their impact but that is him just talking around what he said. He blatently said black people are more criminal across socioeconomic levels and when

“Discrimination certainly exists but I do believe it goes all ways,” he said. As evidence of this, Jafari pointed to a sketch by Samantha Bee, where she jokingly blames white people for Trump’s election. “I suppose you could guess the reaction if Samantha Bee said black people ruined America for voting overwhelmingly

He is one. The KKK also claim to not be racist. But he uses racial slurs, gives interviews to a website known for being a mouth piece for white supremacist, claims whites are the real victims of racism, and tries to pretend that racism against minorities doesn’t exist while cherry picking statistics to paint other

“People looking at this think I’m some kind of explicit ethno-nationalist, but I’m not,”

In regards to what Trump said though, while I may not approve of it, he is in fact right. Celebrities get women, they do in fact let them do things to them. That’s okay. If they are willing, it’s completely okay. If they aren’t and he still does it, that’s when it becomes a problem.

If you missed the part where Steve Bannon became Chief of Staff, or that Richard “Punch Me” Spencer led a Nazi victory chant after Trump won, then I think you might want to do some catch-up reading.

Social phenomena like misogyny are ongoing problems with plenty of complex causes. No one is saying that Trump is the sole cause of this sort of behavior, or that it didn’t exist before him. And I don’t think you believe that’s my argument either, given how transparent and desperate your concern trolling is getting

him failing doesn’t help anyone.

Yeah. It’s sort of like the difference between what is true and what is right. It’s true that the animations suck (about as much as they always have, but it sticks out more these days) but now that it’s attached to a movement like GG, we have to make a moral judgment.

Honestly, if the way characters were animated in Andromeda were too much of a departure from how they were animated in the first three games, I think it would have been offputting in a different way - would’ve felt too much like a different game belonging to a different series.

Yeah, how dare Kotaku link this to GamerGate! Just because it was started by a guy with direct ties to GamerGate and GG has a LONG and well known history of harassment campaigns exactly like this!

And this here is some top-notch derailment.

Well, don’t forget that they hold up CD Projekt Red as paragon of integrity because they were “brave” enough to not have any people of color in Witcher 3. (I do wonder if the inclusion of the Ofieri in Hearts of Stone was a direct repudiation of that “praise” on CDPR’s part.)

Firstly, they pretend hate any “AAA” developer. And I mean pretend hate because at the end of the day, that’s the only games these type of gamers will buy. They don’t want anything below max res and fps. Hardware and specs are the only thing that matters. Fun is for beta cucks.

Aaandddd I’m done complaining about the facial animations.

It’s rather telling that women face the accusation of getting their positions in the gaming industry through sexual acts when something goes wrong yet a man is simply allowed to be incompetent by his own merits when something goes wrong.

Lately I’ve been noticing, on my Facebook feed of all places, the men who are happy that Amy Schumer’s comedy special wasn’t well reviewed. They don’t seem to care about all the men who bomb their specials.