I think it’s a combo of both, tbh. To keep the poor men from revolting, they ‘give’ them women who have fewer options. Then the man, the woman, and all the children they have are dependent on a bad system.
I think it’s a combo of both, tbh. To keep the poor men from revolting, they ‘give’ them women who have fewer options. Then the man, the woman, and all the children they have are dependent on a bad system.
Torrenting seems like an exercise in lunacy nowadays. I don’t have the time to download 50gb of potentially unusable garbage data to try a game. All hail the return of the glorious vertical slice demo. One could argue that most betas that take place a week or 2 before the game launches should just be rebranded as…
“The female Turian I’ve met seemed more kickass than Garrus (!).”
True. But a few biological struggles like menstruation (and endometriosis), birth, and the oppression that comes with them are still exclusively the struggles of cis women, and its important not to minimize those. That shouldn’t and doesn’t negate the point that trans women are women.
I actually can’t think of any famous trans person whose presentation doesn’t align with the societal norms of the gender they identify with. Maybe it’s strategic or easier to put forth Laverne Cox as opposed to Jenny who used to be Jimmy and still looks like a “guy”. However it gives the impression that being a woman…
What makes you a woman or a man? If it’s not genetics, or the way society treats you, is it a gut feeling that it’s what you are? When you look at people like Kaitlynn Jenner (not the representative of all trans women) who speak about make up and high heels as being the essence of woman hood, it makes me wonder if…
Just absolutely unsportsmanlike. I’m sure people are going to justify this behavior, but you can’t excuse **** like this. The win was epic, the popoff was not. I understand the other guy was being a complete ******* himself but stooping to his level doesn’t mean you are better than him.
So that’s your only takeaway from this article??
Albert told me to fuck myself after I drunkenly emailed a shitty little response to their tips line after the Elecpocalypse
I do remember that! That is the only acceptable answer. God I just went back and read that post and barfed at the sanctimonious bullshit from some of those guys. Pareene. ugh.
Remember on election day when all those idiot men at Deadspin said they weren’t voting or were voting third party or various other dumb shit?
It’s such a white guy argument. White people had no choice but to vote for the racist guy who assaults women once they saw the alternative was a moderate woman!
You know what I’m sick and tired of?
He wasn’t belittling her, and nobody has ever framed it that way. Her loss is very real. It was also completely in vain, on a poorly designed plan, which ultimately falls to the Commander in Chief. And Trump both grotesquely trotted her out there to pump himself up, while dodging the blame by saying military leaders…
Sorry kids, the 12 Angry Men segment was comedic genius. I love Amy and I’m not afraid to say so. Don’t understand why so many Douchey McFuckstick Frat Boys are so threatened by her?
It’s as though she took on board all the criticism that the only jokes she doesn’t steal are about her vagina, and doubled down.
Nothing about this sounds inocuous, especially in an industry known for abuse of young women. This incident alone is terrible. But it’s so much worse when you consider what this psychologically does to people as part of a broader industry “culture”. It tells women they don’t matter, that they don’t have a voice, and…
Thanks so much for sharing this. Really appreciative of what this guy is doing.
Former model here. Maida and Ramy are sick fucks. Their thing is to call hundreds of girls they have no intention of ever booking to a casting all at the same time and have them wait from 4-8 hours to be seen. They take their books when they arrive (agency portfolios - cost a bunch of money and are hard to replace) so…