I.....I think the IT guy did make this stuff up. Seems pretty clear he’s just trying to cover his ass but actually did think the link was legitimate. Egregious mistake either way but I mean, cmon. It’s a rather obvious fib.
I.....I think the IT guy did make this stuff up. Seems pretty clear he’s just trying to cover his ass but actually did think the link was legitimate. Egregious mistake either way but I mean, cmon. It’s a rather obvious fib.
Just don’t see him again. It’s really that simple, we’ve all been there made a bad call and decided after we didn’t feel great about the interaction that doesn’t mean anything bad about you. It’s ok to feel uncomfortable if you feel you were coerced but you aren’t bad and it’s ok, you’ll be alright just don’t see him…
This stops now. Time to mobilize. If you haven’t already seen it check this out. It is a guide on how to effectively lobby congress. Your reproductive health demands it.
Among my own Facebook circle, I knew plenty of one-time Bernie voters who believed absolutely every accusation levied against Clinton. For some of them, the primary became this single-minded hatred of her. I’d ask these friends what, specifically, they most wanted to see accomplished by the next President, and I’d…
Love how they touted a non conspiracy that Democrats believed (Russian hacking) with a true conspiracy that Republicans believe (Clinton sex ring). The false equivalency of both sides do it needs to stop.
It’s been interesting watching Twitter after the press conference. All the reporters are talking about the Russia Hacks or the fainting episode or anything but the two solid minutes where Obama lambasted them for running with the hacked email narrative for 6 months then wondering why it was such a big deal.
No no no, Warren endorsed Clinton so she’s already lost her token status. They’ve already moved onto Tulsi Gabbard, despite the fact that she has a questionable history regarding LGBTQ rights and that’s something they hammered Hillary about...
I don’t understand where this “charismatic Bernie” thing comes from. He’s a cranky old man who yells about trade and Wall Street. He rarely smiles and I’ve never heard him laugh. He’s completely blind to anything concerning women and minorities (see Ta-Nehisi Coates’ appearance on MSNBC last night, he agrees).
Hot babes! Ripped hunks! That video has something for everyone except music lovers.
The only one who was calling him Cool Pope or Chill Pope were you guys. And that was only because at least on the surface he seemed slightly less evil than the guy before him, you know, the one who was a literal member of the Hitler Youth. Not a huge bar to pass.
I add to this (dead to me) list; the people throughout and after the primaries that talked shit and hate-voted Hillary. And then, had the subsequent hangover of November 9.
The Americans did a great job of it too. Elizabeth being a victim was about her more than anything, and it didn’t turn her into a badass, as she already was one. Phillip was deeply disturbed by it, but it was more about Elizabeth than anyone else.
Blindness was just awful. I hadn’t read the book but thought I’d watch the movie anyway. I somehow powered through to the end, though I’m not sure why I bothered, I came out of that movie hating men, every single last fucking one.
There’s also more to this story than is known.
No there is far more insidious stuff going on. For example, I occasionally scroll through 9gag. It’s got some sketchy, gross, MRA shit, but a fair amount of funny memes. So last night, I noticed three things pretty much in a row that really felt off, especially in combination.
This definitely reminds me of a quote from Hayao Miyazaki criticizing the modern state of animation that I can’t help but agree with.
I’ve said this before, but as a fairly casual watcher of the occasional anime, the blatant sexual fanservice discourages me from checking out the genre as a whole. That scene from Seven Deadly Sins is a perfect example - after checking out the pilot on a whim, I saw a teenager basically molesting an unconscious woman.…
I dunno about calling naruto and death note fan service free. Misa’s character in death note is more likely to be seen in lingerie than fully clothed. Also how in any way is naruto not full of fan service? Sexy jutsu a character called the pervy sage?
The most important rule of anime fan service is “don’t show me a 12 year old and tell me it’s ok, she’s really 1000 years old”.