
You could just as easily have hired someone who looked totally normal and capable on the outside, who was a crazy mo-fo on the inside or developed an addiction or had a hidden one that nobody knew about. There are tons of reasons that employees go bad that is no reflection at all on the person who hired them. Just

It’s the way Jez is reporting it. This guy had a history of domestic abuse, was banned from owning a gun, and had the cops called on him recently by another boy of color. The cops have said the victim was unarmed and that there’s no evidence there was any physical fight.

Why is the media - including Jezebel - letting the assailant plant misinformation and lies? Why is the media choosing to go only with what the assailant says? That’s the narrative you’re choosing to create?

I find either the story - or how Jez decided which excerpts to add - bizarre. Surely there was enough evidence to cause a West Virginia prosecutor to charge the guy with murder, but the way the story is laid out here it makes it sound like a kid was threatening an older guy with his gun.

Oh, and y’all concern trolls can take your cries of “hypocrisy” and see if they protect you when Trump’s brownshirts have you up against the wall. Like, really, save it. People out here trying every legal way to prevent fascism and you’re tone policing and concern trolling about “optics.”

The hope this is giving me is dangerous. Dangerous. I don’t think my heart can take any more of any of this.

The time to stand and make a difference passed decades ago. History shows over and over that when a country goes to hell, the smart people get the hell out or go underground.

If sex is about denigrating women and sex is to be desired, then refusing to allow a woman to perform an act that would validate her existence and role in life is a punishment.

Also commenting before reading:

Actually, if America decided to round up and start exterminating Blacks, 99.9% of Jews would freak the fuck out and either leave the country immediately or help form militias.

No, it’s that they don’t mind. I’m Jewish and even the conservative members of my family were concerned about Trump’s embrace of the alt right.

Weird eh? Kinda where all the trade with other countries happens. Does increased exposure to other cultures make you more Liberal and less xenophobic? Maybe it's just the surfing?

Looks like they've conclusively shown that people who live near water are more democratic.

Dude, what's with the anger?

Well if your convinced then......

Well that's just horseshit. Your silly checks and balances mean they won't get anything done. The Brits don't have a constitution or any checks and balances. Parliament is the ultimate sovereign and can do whatever the fuck it pleases. Put all blondes in prison camps tomorrow. The Prime minister ( if the can manage

We also need to get away from Republicans and Democrats as both parties are getting more and more extreme to their respective sides

How about instead of a weird redistricting of electoral votes, we just go to a popular vote?
