
I mean, couldn’t you also say the who do they represent about any candidate- if Pete can only represent White Guys, then do Warren, Klobuchar and Gillebrand only represent white women, does Corey Booker only represent Black men, etc? 

Um... If we blast Pete for his first job out of grad school shouldn't Warren being a corporate lawyer be an issue as well? 

Well, all you did with that is show how childish you are. I dont care if who likes whom, but this is something you should be embarrassed by, not something to come here and brag about. Im guessing your husband saw this and thought to himself, what is wrong with her. Now he will probably just vote for Pete just to spite

I don’t understand. You’re against revitalizing a stagnant economy by attracting new industry? And to your point, you most certainly should form opinions about him and other candidates. But I wouldn’t recommend cementing opinions on his success as mayor without first looking into South Bend and the struggles it faced

My Grey Take no one asked for, or will read.

So you’d prefer a popular Democratic from a Blue state that has won their state (and will vote for a Democrat no matter what) than someone who hasn’t won their Red state and might have some ability to win it or flip that state?

He has plenty of reasonable policy proposals. His policies concerning making this country more democratic (e.g., granting statehood to PR, DC, abolishing electoral college) are more novel than the now tired grab bag of progressive policies that other candidates have endorsed. I think your real issue — being that you

I wouldn’t dare to imagine what the Buttigieg coverage on this site would look like if he wasn’t gay.

Polling shows that Black voters prefer center-left and technocratic candidates, they are the strongest and most vital base in the democratic party and while everyone down here shunning him as just some small town white guy, black voters supported both Clintons and Obama and crushed the Bernie bro clan. So lets calm

as a resident of south bend i think he’s done a great job of modernizing the city by attracting tech industries and revitalizing downtown. south bend is so much different than it was 10 years ago, and the trajectory is pointing up. i find it interesting that so many people, many of whom probably have never even

I don’t think the traditional definitions of “center-left” apply anymore. I don’t care what Bernie says about all the wonderful things he’d like to do. He doesn’t favor getting rid of the filibuster (the most he’ll commit to is handwaving about reconciliation to pass all of one bill), so it doesn’t really matter what

His college affordability plan falls far short of what other candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have put out, merely stating that we need to “confront student loan debt” (this, despite the fact that he and his husband currently have quite a significant amount of such debt)“

I don’t think most primary voters are Warren/Sanders or bust. I do think a lot of 20somethings working in New York media are, though.

Hey Esther. I appreciate the fact that you took the time to learn about Pete. Unfortunately your research did not enable you to learn that he doesn’t want to run for Senate. And why would you want a person whose policies “suck” to be elected senator? Oh I know because you know that senators are not very useful... Yet

This is false. Under is plan around 600 vacant and abandoned houses were demolished and around 400 houses were repaired. No resident of these neighborhoods were pushed out of their houses. Homes are very affordable in South Bend. Too affordable even ($30,000 -$40,000 for some and mansions cost like $80,000). Banks

Come visit South Bend, IN. You'll see what he stands for.

We’re just wondering why he’s getting more attention than women with actual policies? What does Pete stand for?

It’s funny you think that policy matters so much. You must not have much experience watching and taking part in elections. Policy is great and all, but what is of extreme importance is also a personality that people can warm up to because personality is ultimately what wins general elections. Look back at every single

Because he’s brilliant, a vet, proven he can win in states like Indiana, has a tracker record of innovative policy ideas as Mayor, can speak to the religious right with some authority, and has strong moral character. Having flushed out policies this early is nice but is still only an indicator—any detailed policy is

You know, as a designer myself, I was at first thrilled to see this headline. How cool that someone not in the field even noticed! But it’s just a boring, thinly veiled hit piece on a longshot candidate based on... what, exactly? The fact that Buttigeig doesn’t have policy ready years in advance? That he thought