
Here’s a better hack: half-fill a clear jar or bottle with water. Lay it on its side in the freezer and let it freeze solid. Place the jar upright on a freezer shelf.

You can also just use some shaped ice cubes in a ziplock. If the freezer warms up enough for them to change shape significantly you’ll know power was out. The coin\cup seems cool but more complicated than it needs to be.

There’s nothing there. Just strings of emails that show what everyone already knew: Clinton is an extremely polished politician and her team has been working furiously down to the last detail to get her elected.

That’s not what was said at all.

I keep on coming back to this article and take whatever has/will come from the Russian backed hacked with a gain of salt.

This is just gross on so many levels. Knowing the Russians were behind the email attacks, I’ve resigned myself to not believe a word that comes out of hacks, especially ones that the Russians and Wikileaks have been sitting on for weeks/months.

The ACA wasn’t half-baked until it started getting hacked apart to try and get any Republican to vote for it. Nice try rewriting history there, though, trying to put this in the left, instead of the right who fought like hell to make the bill as unsatisfactory, and ineffective, as possible.

Just because you disagree with Clinton’s positions and policies that does not mitigate Trump’s absolute inappropriateness for public office.

.... Why are you surprised she fought so hard against it? She wasn’t trying to hide what was in the speeches, she was fighting against the stupid double standard that had strong undertones of “how dare the uppity lady get paid lots of money to speak to a group who is willing to pay her lots of money to hear words come

Ugh, yes. I started listening to the podcast and he’s got the voice to go with that face. I never thought it was possible to have a crush on a voice but here I am.

I started listening to these guys because I saw Jon Lovitz and Jon Favreau (collectively “The Jons!”) had a podcast. I wanted to know how Favreau would have used his directorial eye to make “The Legend of Curly’s Gold” speak more to the GenXers. Boy was I surprised.  

I love these guys and am willing to fight anyone who disagrees

I can answer re: auto racing: there aren’t more women because women aren’t interested in racing.

I love when Hillary shouts out the leaders of Sao Tome et Principe, the Federated States of Micronesia or French Guiana. Her sitting world leader knowledge is unparalled.

I’m a Bernie supporter who no way in fucking hell would ever vote libertarian.

“Umm, Two Leppos?”

Decades of many people wanting the federal government to do something, whatever that something is, leads me to believe that we give lip service to libertarianism...but we really aren’t libertarians.

If that was true the party and its candidates wouldn’t be the fucking joke it is now.

There are a lot of people that seem to think a President unilaterally gets to make shit happen without support from the other two branches of government. It’s like they haven’t been paying attention the past eight years...

Boy, it’s almost like he’s a career politician or something!