
Many wouldn’t but don’t call that patriotism. Call it what it really is: opportunism and greed. That’s fine by the way but call a spade a spade.

And I get that being a contractor is SUPER fucking dangerous, hence the six figure paycheck, but why is it considered so patriotic?

One is a competent politician that did the same thing with email that Colin Powell did... Ooh scary. And also gets campaign contributions from banks. Oh stop the presses. A politician supported by big business donors. First time that’s ever happened!

lol Bernie supporters informed. Thats a laugh. Informed on how much free shit he promised them only.

Does the fact that Hillary’s voting record overlaps Bernie’s by over 90 percent mean anything?

Yah, Hillary’s never talked about health care at all or the need to work toward a system that provides universal coverage. Thank God Bernie brought this issue to the forefront.

It is mostly the failure to call it a military coup, which she didn’t do because it wasn’t at all clear at the time that it was a military coup and because labeling it a military coup would require the US shutting off humanitarian aid to Honduras.

Here’s where I see sexism the most: Clinton is a woman of ideas. Always has been. I didn’t agree with her ideas as much as Bernie’s, but she’s a serious thinker with many positions and philosophies that come from a place of devoted public service and beg critical engagement. And she has a lot of excellent ideas that I

Much of the substantive critique of Clinton would have to be made about the entire United States government, and a conversation about changing American interventionism is a way more complicated conversation than “who’s winning and who should I vote for?”

I'm sincerely asking: Would you mind sharing sources on this, or explaining it? Some articles blame her for avoiding calling it a “coup,” but that is her only involvement in it from what I read.

It’s just fucking hilarious that gawker and Jez drag other media for things they continuously do. That’s article that Pareen wrote about HRC not “fucking this up” is fucking hilarious considering the fact they seem to be intentionally trying to fuck this up.

I’m thinking someone who has paranoid fantasies about Clinton ordering assassinations by cell phone maybe doesn’t understand dookies about anything.

I agree, jez isnt going to even admit they were part of the problem, but at least there supporting her now that they have to since hillary is the nominee.

You do know that you guys were part of this, right?

Anyone who actually understands the constitutional crisis in Honduras knows it’s not a basis for a substantive critique of Clinton. We want elected leaders who listen to international law experts’ analyses of foreign countries’ laws and constitutions instead of jumping to conclusions.

I like how jez ignores how they were apart of the negative news about hillary. At least oonce it was obvious bernie wasnt going to win jez flipped its tune. Gawker on the pther hand is till going 100% negative hillary.

Good lord. Are you really that blind to your own coverage of Clinton during the primaries? I mean, really.