
well lovely ppl like you were quite persuasive in my not applying for citizenship right away considering you don’t know me or my circumstances but kudos for judging me tho. also re-read my comment my decision to wait to get citizenship was a carefully weighted one as well. I love how you’ re explaining the benefits of

And then you found their answer wasn't good enough and decided the real reason wasn't the answer given but their level of intelligence.

I’m 29, I’ve lived here for 20 years. I’ve had a green card and wasn’t ready to take US citizenship. I contemplated living and working elsewhere after college or even going home. I have now. Perhaps I should edit my original comment to state” I’ve been on the sidelines for 11 years...”

You patronized a first time voter, who is voting carefully and researching carefully, using an example of how voters who are undecided are grossly uninformed. You denigrated his or her decision-making as well, insinuating it was probably about who would be better to have a beer with. Later on down the line, you

thanks, i’m perplexed, i’m a moron because i want to take my time to adequately research who i vote for????? da fuck?????

Bernie actually polls better against many GOP candidates than Hillary.

Those polls don’t mean anything.

Pretty legit response, bro.

I get it, Hillary’s politics are so moderate that she is basically a 1970s Republican. Economically I am much more in line with Bernie. But I am also a woman who likes reproductive rights, and our next president will have a lot of power over the future of our Supreme Court. Which means our next president will have a

I assume you’re referring to Hillary? This is the kind of stuff that makes us Bernie supporters look bad.

Correct. At the time, the Manhattan Project was a crowning achievement of American scientific superiority. Now it’s a television series that distorts the history for ratings, making the real Manhattan Project just the sort of ugly punch line Kate fell for here. But to Hillary’s generation (and mine), it was a triumph

Only if you aren't counting the hundreds of thousands of American soldiers who would have been sent to storm the beaches of Japan.

nope, they actually gathered to solve a problem. period. that the way they solved that problem was rather nasty that’s a different topic altogether.

Yeah, I was going to say, I don’t understand the confusion.

Perhaps they shouldn’t, but people use the “Manhattan Project” as a metaphor in the way Hillary used it all the time. Obama used it in his 2008 campaign in reference to finding new energy solutions. Not sure if you really hadn’t noticed this usage or are just being obtuse.

What are you even talking about?! That’s clearly not what Hillary meant and I’m sure you know that. If you want to criticize her on not taking a firm stand in favor of protecting the integrity of encryption then just say that, there’s no need to try to twist her use of a metaphor.

The Manhattan project mobilized the scientific community to create a horrific weapon, not solve a socio-political problem.

Honestly, the author should have just made something up if she wanted to criticize Clinton for page views. This is just embarrassing.

You are taking this WAYYYY too literally. In general parlance, when politicians propose a new Manhattan Project (which they do literally all the fucking time, google it before posting, sheesh), they are not referring to building a new instrument of mass death. They are using the metaphor to refer to bringing

Kate Knibbs thinks Hillary is referring to the weapon aspect of the Manhattan project rather than mobilizing the scientific community to solve a difficult socio-political problem with scientific and technological advancement. The fuck?