
so glad you added this sir. I love BoB

I think you are missing the point. While you are correct in saying that Dash is about convenience, not savings, you fail to recognize that is all some consumers are looking for. Some consumers will happily trade saving a couple of bucks for the ease of hitting a button and having something delivered when they need it.


Mr. May has always been my favorite. He's unencumbered by the trappings of Western values (aside from that Ferrari he owns) and finds fun and entertainment deep within his own gray matter. Respek to May.

I am dumbfounded by the first one. You couldn't just ask the lady what she would do if she went to the restroom and the light was turned off? By her logic. She would have to go get someone else to turn it on. Which I doubt she would. Thus defeating her logic and avoiding to send someone 40 miles to do it for her.

Actually, the truck that caused this is NOT the one you see in the picture. THE ENGLAND DRIVER WAS NOT AT FAULT. The England driver is another victim. There is a Ford F250 literally right in front of the England truck that was squished by a beam. It's what the England truck hit so hard and came to an abrupt stop that

you can come to Austin and watch it in person in September.

Sorry to hear about that. If you've ever asked her directly why she doesn't like occasionally wearing lingerie, what has been her response? She may just be too self-conscious about her body to wear anything revealing. Or maybe she hasn't found a style that feels like her

From the PetFusion Amazon page:

From the PetFusion Amazon page:

I think it makes my little man pretty handsome.

All I witnessed here was a really expensive paint job. Nothing about the video suggests anything about the sound quality. If I give a shitty car a new paint job, it's just a pretty shitty car

Pretty much. Nothing inspiring about him. He's a safe pair of hands but is never going to get the most out of a car. Although he seems to think he's better than he is.

So basically Jenson couldn't have had that pink helmet to pay respects to his father last season cause it was halfway through the season.

That's okay, because real people are boring as fuck

Nice. Are requirements for flying these as big as for the multi-engined ones (such as the P-2 or P-3) or you can hop into them from crop dusting?

I'm not a fan of the touchless washes. They can never seem to get all the soot and grim off. Sure it looks clean, but if you run your finger down the side dirt still comes up. I've never had an issue with a touch wash damaging a vehicle either.

Those running the Weather Underground site screwed up on the redesign, giving it that stupid all grey mac-look. Nothing is visible.