
The intent isn't that we all start putting F1 engines in our cars or that the engines produce too much pollution to be practical. The hope is that the technology developed in F1 by the best engineers with the most money, largest motivation to succeed, and no market constraints will trickle down into consumer cars.

Honestly, I think racial slurs have, for some part, progressed past actual racism and into intentional agitation of people in general. I use the term "progressed" mainly because it has moved past an act of willful derision against a particular race and into an act of intentionally making people, race irrelevant,

So blacks shouldn't have had a civil rights movement that focused on blacks like we did? Our movement was lesser because it only really served the black community and for the most part ignored Native Americans, women, Hispanics, Asians and every other group that was discriminated against?

"That's true, but she's also walking around outside. Doesn't that invite criticism and body-snarking?"

I must be one of the few that does not think that any job in the public eye does not mean you want people to look and judge. Models sell things, that is their job.

The job of a model is to represent whatever the client is selling, not to open herself to criticism and body snarking.

It's not like this guy was running a lawful practice, using this as an example of why we need to increase regulations for other, legitimate providers is backwards and a knee-jerk reaction ti this situation. Gosnell wasn't running an abortion clinic, Gosnell was exploiting women and his employees, it just so happened

become a talking point for anti-choicers who believe that Gosnell's horrific "baby charnel house" represents abortion at large, rather than what it obviously is: the result of the limitations on abortion procedures and subsequent desperate, last-ditch efforts to obtain one.