
You can rent them from Home Depot I think.

Ugh, it works. And for some reason, whenever I'm RickRoll'd, I feel an obligation to watch through the whole video. Damn you, Robert.

I'm more bothered by the fact that these guns weren't used to destroy iMac's in combat, but they were used in anti-armor role. Sure I can't expect them to shoot actual tanks for the video, but some steel plate or something similar? So we can see what kind of power these things actually have? Shooting an iMac is

No worries about gathering the studies, I understand the small-screen thing and I don't doubt you, I was just curious if you knew off the top of your head.

On point one, I disagree. A full review should be made of every shooting and if the officer is shown to have acted in accordance with law/policy, that's it. The last thing you want is an officer who has previously been forced to shoot someone to save their/someone else's life, having to hesitate to protect life and

Dammit that was the joke I was going to make. Oh well, great minds, eh?!

My concern is that people are posting original content to YouTube, where it can be monetized and they can make a little money off of it, and those videos are being broken down into gifs so we can watch them instead of the actual video, preventing the content creator from collecting anything for our views. It's not

So you're saying my blue pee isn't normal?

I am unsure of nothing!

Because normally when you buy groceries on Amazon you're having to buy them in bulk packs, they rarely have smaller grocery items available in single quantities, so if you want that can of beans you were having to buy 6 or 12 of them. Also, more and more small household items that were prime eligible were now

They don't have weight limits for the drivers, the minimum weight limit is car+driver. What we're talking about here is the minimum weight was actually raised from last year because of the technical changes in the cars were going to make them heavier. Unfortunately, the additional weight of the new engines is more

Don't we?

So that wasn't James Van Der Beek?

Darnit now you have me conflicted, I really want that lunchable.

A donut shop that's not open until 10am on weekdays? They really know their audience (dirty trust fund hipsters!)...

To reiterate, ????????

I don't drink, never have, don't understand the appeal and hate being around people who are drunk. But alcohol doesn't cause any of those things, and drunk people who do shitty things when they're drunk shouldn't be getting a pass. Everyone needs to know their own limits. People who become shitty or violent when

Seriously, this is the exact kind of post that others in the gawkerverse point at to paint Jezzies as hypocrites, and sometimes they're damn right and I hate to admit that. It's shameful that this kind of violence is tolerated and even lauded, especially here. It wasn't even in the heat of the moment, she was moved

The best thing I ever did was stop hauling all of my camera gear to events with me. I lived so many things "through the lens" that I'll never get to do again, and afterwards felt like I'd never even been there. When I do bring a camera I make sure to severely limit my kit so that I don't spend quite so much time

I dunno, just because something is "obvious" doesn't mean we should take for granted that it's true. Studies come out all the time that challenge our assumptions.