
Agreed, loved the video, hated the narrator.

I should be taking a nap instead of reading Jez. I read while scrolling and saw "Loving Vagina should be enough freaking said" and nodded in agreement.

I've had the game for two days and can't even play the tutorial. But, yano, why should I be annoyed? You've got to play for 25 hours. I'm so happy for you!

You saying Panburger Partner isn't just as good? Blaspheme!

My old CVPI came with two spotlights. I left them in. Why? Because if I took them out I'd be left with two fairly big holes in the A-pillars that would have to be welded closed and painted. Same with the antenna, though mine didn't have one, why would I want to open another hole in the car that would have to be

I've been considering moving there to be closer to one of my best friends and get out of DFW...but your comment on the summer dresses is what convinced me.

Are you using the VIP RSS? Back when they switched from full articles to the blurbs they left an alternate version that retained full articles, all it was was www.*gawkersite*.com/vip.xml where *gawkersite* is which blog (lifehacker, gizmodo, jalopnik, etc.) though now the lifehacker one at least forwards to

I can tell from some of the pixels and from having seen quite a few shops in my time.

God dammit, why didn't I become a firefighter?

This is well timed, I'm taking a road trip from Texas to Vegas in a couple weeks in my Charger R/T with a hot redhead. However, we're just going to different tradeshows and staying in a hotel well off the strip, so I doubt it'll be nearly as exciting Mr. Preston's experience. I've been to Vegas 4 times in the last

What made the biggest difference for me was having my wife following me in her Subaru on our move from WA to TX (2000 miles). Two-way GMRS radios to keep in touch. If I needed to pass I would radio her just before and ask for double-sure that I'm clear and she'd merge left behind me just to reduce the likelihood of

+1 Never ever found a 911 I found appealing. I have no doubt it's a hell of a car to drive, but every time I see one I just feel nothing for it.

The greatest comment I've seen all day.

Judging by the last segment I don't think he's saying he's in Istanbul when this is being filmed, just that he will be there when this is meant to be played, as it was made in advance (someone said something about a Lotus christmas party, which would make sense to me, because I certainly wasn't expecting Kimi at my

To all the people bitching about spoilers, and all the people bitching about those bitching about spoilers, I think it's fine that Jalopnik posts the results of the race, even in the headline. What fucked me is that Gawker takes that story and posts it at the bottom of EVERY SINGLE GAWKER SITE. I avoid Jalopnik like

I saw someone doing this before a redeye flight, they had their baby with them and kept prodding them and keeping them awake, the baby was clearly annoyed by this. I was confused because I was thinking, man these people are being jerks to that baby, it's clearly tired. But boy was I thankful when I got seated on the

Every one of my friends is going to the race from DFW. I'll download BBC or SkySports Coverage as it comes available on my favorite racing torrent site and watch it on my big ol' flatscreen, same way I watch every race. I'm actually not bothered that I'm missing it this year.

Take a bunch of different ones you like and use a background rotator to switch them out every X minutes maybe?

I hate the word medallion. I think my aversion to flying Delta is so I don't have to hear that word over the cabin PA. Medallion. Ugh.